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Resources and Articles by Lois Michal Unger


Unger, Lois Michal

Lois Unger's poetry has been published in literary magazines and newspapers in Israel and the U.S.

She is the author of six books of poetry: The Apple of His Eye, Miscarriage in Vermont (selected as a distinguished book by The New England Small Press Association), White Rain in Jerusalem (in Hebrew and English), Poems Political, Tomorrow We Play Beersheva and The Glass Lies Shattered All Around.

Recipient of the following Grants: Rockefeller Grant - 1964, The Israel Office of Immigrant Artists (1989), The Yehoshua Rabinowitz Foundation for Literature and Art - 1991, the Keren Amos Fund of the President's Office - 1999.

:  Never Again
[Full article...]
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Selections from The Glass Lies Shattered All Around:  Tel-Aviv - January 1991
Selections of the poetry of the current editor of arc 16 - the magazine of the Israel Association of Writers in English [Full article...]
Artistic Expressions > Poetry

Selections from The Glass Lies Shattered All Around:  Book of Tehillim
Selections of the poetry of the current editor of arc 16 - the magazine of the Israel Association of Writers in English [Full article...]
Artistic Expressions > Poetry