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Resources and articles on Shavuot

Jewish Holidays:  Hagadda for Shavuot

The Tikkun Leil literally �night of healing� is a tradition which refers to a night of learning and discussion on the festival of Shavuot. This haggadah is intended to guide you through the evening with readings, discussion points, songs, activities and recipes for that cheesecake it is customary to eat on Shavuot. [Full article...]
By: Anton Marks Jeremy Aron
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Shavuot
Judaism > Jewish Texts

A Message for Our Times:  A Midsummer Festival�s Meaning: �Shavuot and Membership in the Jewish People�

This article, provided by Ta Shma, is part of a series of articles discussing the topic of Jewish Peoplehood and its expression on Shavuot, from different religious perspectives. [Full article...]
By: Yael Unterman
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Shavuot

Shavuot and Jewish Communal Identity:  The Meaning of Joining the Jewish People

This article, provided by Ta Shma, is part of a series of articles discussing the topic of Jewish Peoplehood and its expression on Shavuot, from different religious perspectives. [Full article...]
By: Ophir Yarden
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Shavuot

Clarifying an obscure holiday:  All About Shavuot

Shavuot is probably the most obscure of the Shlosh Regalim (Three Pilgrimage Festivals). It does not have a symbol associated with it such as matzoh or sukkah; it is also the only Festival without Hol Ha-moed (Intermediate Days). In addition, it is kept by far fewer people than either Passover or Sukkot. One of the reasons for this lack of observance is probably that many people simply don't know what Shavuot is. We will try in this very brief essay to outline what exactly Shavuot is, and how it is observed. [Full article...]
By: David Janus
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Shavuot

The Personal Message of a Jewish Holiday:  Shavuot: Free At Last

The idea of personal choice figures strongly in this article, in which the meaning of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot is looked at on both the spiritual and personal planes. The concept of the deeper meaning of the Revelation at Sinai is dealt with, not only as a seminal point in the Bible but as an ethical metaphor for daily living. [Full article...]
By: Artie Fischer
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Shavuot

Numerology and Shavuot:  Hit Me a Seven

Any one who has played craps knows the importance of numbers. The idea that a number has more significance than just its quantatative value is prevalent in almost every society. [Full article...]
By: Eli Birnbaum
Judaism > Cholent: Little bit O' this, Little bit O' that
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Shavuot

Commandments:  The Ten.............

If we celebrate Shavuot as the day of the Giving of the Torah, then how come we picture Moses coming down the mountain with two tablets (or three, one of which slipped to the ground, according to the famous Talmudic sage, Mel Brooks)? Rather than the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments, shouldn't a beautiful Torah scroll with its silver adornments be the object that Moses carried so proudly down the mountain (and then smashed into the Golden Calf, but that's another story altogether...)? Or to rephrase the question, if only the Ten Commandments were given on Shavuot, why do we call it the day of the giving of the Torah? Especially considering the fact that the Torah encompasses 613 commandments, where are the other 603? [Full article...]
By: Robin Treistman
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Shavuot

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