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Resources and articles on Nature

Birdwatching in Israel:  Up and Down the Flyway

Israel�s location on the only landbridge between Africa, Europe and Asia makes it the major migration flyway between the continents. Israel�s varied habitats, including the snowcapped Mt. Hermon, arid deserts, semitropical valleys and fertile plains, make the country attractive to a diverse selection of birds, whether as year-round residents or seasonal visitors. [Full article...]
By: Leiah Elbaum
Israel > Nature

Events and Activities Ideas:  Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel Founded - June 8, 1954

If one were to remove the political and religious tensions that make up the day-to-day reality of Israel and look purely at the land, one would find an extremely beautiful nation. Israel is a nation with a rich mix of landscapes, environmental regions and unique species of plants and animals. For all this beauty and distinctiveness, there needs to be a guardian, and that organization is the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI). [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
Israel > Nature
Judaism > Judaism and the Environment

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