In pursuance of Article 47 of the WZO Constitution, the Zionist Supreme Court consists of 30 judges at most, in addition to the President of the Court.

Each member of the Court swears to fulfill his duty impartially and to the best of his knowledge and conscience. The oath of the President of the Court is received by the Chairman of the Zionist General Council.

The members of the Zionist General Council entitled to vote, the members of the Executive, the Comptroller and the Deputy Comptroller, the Attorney of the World Zionist Organization and his Deputies, and officials of the World Zionist Organization and the Central Zionist bodies may not be members of the Court.

The President of the Zionist Supreme Court is elected by the Zionist Congress.

The five Deputy-Presidents of the Zionist Supreme Court and the judges of the Court are appointed by a Committee for Appointment of Judges of the Court.

Unless the Congress decides otherwise, the seat of the Court is in Jerusalem. The hearings of the Court are held with a composition of three or five judges. The President of the Court, and in his absence his deputy decides on the composition in each case.

The Court operates according to rules enacted by the Zionist General Council and any change in these rules requires the approval of the Council.

Powers of the Zionist Supreme Court
(in pursuance of Article 49 of the WZO Constitution)

As a Court of First Instance, the Court determines:

  • The legality of decisions of the Central Zionist Bodies, whether in connection with a dispute or upon the proposal of the Executive or the Attorney of the World Zionist Organization;

  • Disputes between Zionist Bodies, where at least one party is the World Zionist Organization or a Central Zionist Body or where the parties to the disputes have their head offices in different countries;

  • Disputes, except monetary disputes, between the World Zionist Organization or a Central Zionist Body and individual Zionists in matters connected with Zionist work or arising out of membership in a Zionist Body;

  • Objections to decisions to postpone the Congress or to postpone a session of the Council;

  • Matters relating to elections to the Zionist Congress, and appeals against the determination of the number of delegates;

  • Matters relative to acts allegedly infringing the Constitution or damaging the interests or prestige of the World Zionist Organization.

In all the aforesaid matters, the Court may make such order or impose such sanction as it deems fit, provided that it takes due care that such order or such sanction does not damage the interests of innocent bodies or individuals.

Establishing Local Zionist Courts and Their Powers

In any country in which a territorial Zionist Organization exists, a judicial body is set up that is empowered to discuss and decide in the area. This body is empowered to interpret the Constitution of the National Zionist Organization, to judge disputes between territorial Zionist bodies or between individual Zionists, matters related to Zionist activity or deriving from membership in a Zionist territorial body.