Doing Zionism

Truth About Israel

Truth About Israel is a campaign to give visibility to Israel's accomplishments and contributions to the world community.


Herzl on the Move

The Department for Zionist Activities has announced its plans for commemorating the centennial of Herzl's death.


Mizrachi�s Kesher Program a Hit at Edgware Shabbaton

Large turnouts from all age groups gained a refreshing insight into contemporarty Israeli issues highlighted by Jewish textual sources.


Aliyah from Venezuela

For the first time in the history of the Jewish community in Venezuela, in a period of less than eight months one hundred olim have departed for Israel.


Zionist Federations and Partnership 2000

Partnership 2000, a program to twin Diaspora and Israeli communities, is a platform that can turn general platitudes of support for Israel into concrete involvement with Israelis.


Dor Hemshech On The Way

The Department for Zionist Activities is launching a new Dor Hemshech leadership initiative.


Professor Eytan Gilboa Visits Australia and New Zealand

Professor Eytan Gilboa � Professor of politics and communication at Bar Ilan University, had a hectic schedule of speeches, workshops and interviews during his recent visit to Australia and New Zealand.


A Day of Zionism for French Tourists

Aware of the large number of enthusiastic French tourists in Israel this summer, Robert Zbili, president of the French Zionist Federation, proposed organizing special Zionist day trips for them during August.


Memorial for Victims of Terror in Israel

During the week of Tisha B'Av, communities across the United States held vigils commemorating victims of terror attacks in Israel.


Zionist Federation of Great Britain - Solidarity Mission to Israel

Christian and Jewish Zionists from the British Isles, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Spain spend 5 intensive days touring Israel.


Zionist Caravan in France

The Department for Zionist Activities with the cooperation of the Aliyah Department of the Jewish Agency and the Zionist Federation in France brings Zionism to Jewish communities in France


Zionist Political Discussion Groups in Russia

The Zionist organization in Russia "Moria" reports great success in the extension of its network of Zionist political discussion groups to Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don.


Israeli entertainer Einat Sarouf celebrates with Israeli ambassador to Uruguay, Joel Salpak Yom Yerushalaim in Montevideo

A packed hall moved from tears to laughter as they honor Gen. (retired) Liber Seregni, recipient of the Jerusalem Prize.


AZM Purim Connection -- The Biggest Year Ever

Chicago Region of the American Zionist Movement delivers over 5000 mishloach manot (gift packages) to Israeli soldiers and to the families of victims of terror in Israel this year as part of the AZM-initiated �Purim Connection� program.


European Gathering of Zionist Federation Heads and Young Leadership, Copenhagen

The Chairs of ten Zionist Federations and 20 representatives of the Zionist Leadership Initiative hailing from 15 different countries gathered in Copenhagen to map out a strategy for strengthening the Zionist Movement in Europe and reaching out to a younger generation.


Regional Meeting with Zionist Federation Heads

Strengthening and Encouraging Federations through Regional Gatherings


�Zionism on Wheels�

The Department brings Zionism to Jewish communities in Spain


Israel Week in Mexico

Over 1200 people attended the opening community-wide event of the annual Israel Week celebration.


A Mission with a Difference

Hundreds of Belgium Zionists flooded Ben Yehuda St. in Jerusalem during their Solidarity Mission


