Doing Zionism


Hebrew classes offered by the AZM in New York and Chicago


Zionist Leadership Initiative (Canada) celebrates Diaspora - Israel ties Positive Zionism in Toronto

The Anglo Saxon Golden Exile Diaspora Party took place on Kaf Tet b'November, 2003. Success! It was a very special event, with great energy.


Call for Solidarity with Israel

Thousands of leaflets and info brochures handed out in the pedestrian area of the Frankfurt shopping district.


Ciclo de Conferencias Con el Dr.Ifthaj Treguerman

Dr. Iftach Treguereman, sent to Mexico by the Department for Zionist Activities, lectured to participants from the Jewish community in Mexico City. The charismatic Dr. Treguereman spoke at four conferences and a leadership seminar where his lectures were both informative and entertaining.


Jews from Arab Countries � A Story of Mass Violation of Human Rights

The narrative of 900,000 Jews stripped of their property and expelled from countries in which they have lived for generations is an historical fact not properly presented or known to public opinion.


The Israel Now Tour 2003

35 South Africans ranging in age from 22 to 92 years old, participated in the Israel Now Tour the third Solidarity Mission within one year!


Voices and Faces from Israel

A young dynamic team brought Zionism to Russian speaking communities throughout Germany via an Aliyah Caravan.



Twenty-Four college students from Canada, USA and Israel took part in the 14th annual Do The Write Thing last week in Jerusalem, held in conjunction with the General Assembly (GA) of the United Jewish Communities (UJC).


Symposium 2003 - Canadian Zionist Federation, Montreal

�From Oslo to the Road map � A Decade of Struggle for Peace� was the very timely topic for this years Symposium.


Howard Gordon (Habonim Shaliach) and Avishai Lev (Young Shaliach for King David Schools) singing Rabin Memorial

The Johannesburg Jewish community pays tribute to Itzhak Rabin z�l.


Reliving Aliyat Hanoar in Vienna

Letters and poems written by young people, who succeeded in escaping the hell of the Shoah, are shared with the Viennese community.


Listening intently to Prime Minister Sharon Third Annual Belgian Solidarity Mission a Resounding Success

The Zionist Federation of Belgium organized three intensive days throughout Israel for 200 Belgian Zionists


Rabin Memorial

The Rabin Memorial was held in Montreal to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the assassination of the late Yitzhak Rabin z�l.


�Doing Zionism�

The Department newsletter published once every four months


Brighton Conference

More than 150 delegates descended on Brighton for a week end of fun and learning.


The Danish Zionist Federation in Israel for Friendship Tour

A mixed Danish / Jewish group spend an intensive and exciting week in Israel on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the rescue of the Danish Jews.


"Terror and Israel's Struggle for Peace"

A hasbara kit produced by the Department for Zionist Activities


The Zionist Imperative

A collection of articles on contemporary Zionism


L-R Arlazar Eliashiv, President of the CZF, Eastern Region; Irwin Cotler, O.C., M.P.holding the Jerusalem Prize; Marc Attali, Consul General of Israel in Montreal Cotler Wins Jerusalem Prize

Mount Royal MP Irwin Cotler and Laval University linguist Annette Paquot were awarded the Jerusalem Prize by the Canadian Zionist Federation last week, for their longtime advocacy of Israel.


Media Team tours Mt. Herzl SA Media Team Visits Israel

From the desk of Bev Goldman, Media, PR and Hasbara Coordinator of the SAZF � reliving an amazing experience�



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