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Doing Zionism

Relentless Seminar a Great Success!

Relentless film is the focus of a very successful three day seminar in Denmark.

Participating in the Congress (from left to right): Leone Passerman, Head of Jewish Communities in Rome; Avi Pazner, World Chair of Keren Hayesod- UIA; Guiseppe Calderolla, Member of Italian Parliament Annual Italian Zionist Congress

"Theodore Herzl, One Hundred Years Afterwards" was the title of the yearly Italian Zionist Congress, in Rome. The purpose was to remember Herzl, not with rhetoric, but rather through a discussion about the purposes of the Zionist movement today.

"The Jewish Zionist Question In South Africa: Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism?"

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Theodore Herzl, the South African Zionist Federation held a most successful and stimulating symposium.

ZF Breakfast with Ephraim Eitam

Twenty people sat down at 8.30 in the morning, had an excellent breakfast and were treated to an excellent, but brief talk by our guest.

Zionist Federations Join The Hague Demonstration

Representatives from Zionist Federations in Europe join the demonstration in The Hague to show their support for Israel.

New Website on Anti-Semitism

The Department for Jewish Zionist Education of the Jewish Agency for Israel has recently developed a new website dealing with anti-Semitism.

Lady Cock presenting a silver covered shofar to Lord Weidenfeld Fourth Annual Dinner of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland

The annual dinner has become one of the premier and important evenings for Jewish solidarity and Zionism in the British Calendar. The evening is intended to be one where important Jews (and Christians friendly to Israel) and Zionists can come together, enjoy each other's company, network and learn.


A lecture about English influences in the Hebrew language

Learning Hebrew in Montreal

Montreal branch of the CZF has a class for everyone in their Hebrew ulpan.

Zionism and Israeli Current Events - Zionist Federations of Latin America in Jerusalem

Israeli Current Events, Zionism, and SOLIDARITY with Israel, are the topics that brought 35 members of the Zionist Federations of Latin America to Israel for a 10 day seminar, sponsored and organized by the Department for Zionist Activities.

The Perfect Zionist Event in Every Way

Israel Expo '03 proved to be an impressive manifestation of solidarity with Israel. Almost 10,000 visitors from the United Kingdom contributed to the resounding success of the Sunday Expo.

Preserving Israel's Good Name

Zionist Federations around the world - supporting and defending Israel.

Scholars In Residence Program

Lecturers Traveling the World

Poster Exhibition Zionism from Israel - Rome to Torino

Communities large and small in Italy enjoyed Israeli culture brought to them by a Zionist Caravan


Hebrew classes offered by the AZM in New York and Chicago

Zionist Leadership Initiative (Canada) celebrates Diaspora - Israel ties Positive Zionism in Toronto

The Anglo Saxon Golden Exile Diaspora Party took place on Kaf Tet b'November, 2003. Success! It was a very special event, with great energy.

Call for Solidarity with Israel

Thousands of leaflets and info brochures handed out in the pedestrian area of the Frankfurt shopping district.

Ciclo de Conferencias Con el Dr.Ifthaj Treguerman

Dr. Iftach Treguereman, sent to Mexico by the Department for Zionist Activities, lectured to participants from the Jewish community in Mexico City. The charismatic Dr. Treguereman spoke at four conferences and a leadership seminar where his lectures were both informative and entertaining.

Jews from Arab Countries � A Story of Mass Violation of Human Rights

The narrative of 900,000 Jews stripped of their property and expelled from countries in which they have lived for generations is an historical fact not properly presented or known to public opinion.

The Israel Now Tour 2003

35 South Africans ranging in age from 22 to 92 years old, participated in the Israel Now Tour the third Solidarity Mission within one year!


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