Doing Zionism

The first celebration was organized especially for the youth while the community at large had a separate event.
A most moving and solemn ceremony, attended by 850 people was addressed by Ilan Fluss, Charges D'Affairs of the Israeli Embassy in Pretoria, and Avrom Krengel, Chairman SAZF (who paid tribute to and mentioned by name the 74 South Africans who had given their lives for Israel in her wars since 1948).
El pasado 21 de abril la Federación Sionista de México, honró a los Señores Meny Sambra Cohen y Marcos Metta Cohen, con el Reconocimiento Herzl.
The New York rally, one of several taking place in major cities around the world, was spearheaded by the American Zionist Movement.
The Zionist Federation of Sweden helps in the organization of the local rally held in the center of Stockholm, which saw cooperation between Jewish, Iranian and Kurdish students.
This special community-wide event, held at Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier, Place des Arts, Montreal�s famous venue which holds 3,000, featured the diva of Israeli music, RITA, in a stage show the likes of which have rarely been seen outside of Israel! The show was a musical celebration which highlighted the unique melodramatic power of this impressive singer.
En el marco del programa Sociedad 2000 de la Agencia Jud�a, Gerardo Stuczynski, Roberto Cyjon y Gabriel Heymann, autoridades de la Organizaci�n Sionista del Uruguay, tuvieron un encuentro con Samy Shosh�n, Intendente de Mitzp� Ram�n, ciudad hermana de la comunidad jud�a del Uruguay. En la foto: Plantando �rboles en Mitzp� Ram�n. (Octubre 2004)
Dr. Gerardo Stuczynski y Mauricio Oberlander de la OSU, con el Ministro para Asuntos de la Di�spora Natan Sharansky, tratando proyectos en conjunto sobre c�mo enfrentar el antisemitismo moderno y las acciones a emprender en tal sentido en Uruguay. (Febrero 2005)
Dr. Gerardo Stuczynski e Ing. Roberto Cyjon, de la Organizaci�n Sionista, junto a Josef Benarroch de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalem, frente al Centro Belmonte para las Ciencias. Las autoridades de OSU est�n trabajando en un proyecto que pretende trasladar al Uruguay la experiencia de este Centro en el �rea de acercar la ciencia a j�venes y ni�os. (Febrero 2005)
Presidente de OSU Gerardo Stuczynski, haciendo uso de la palabra en el acto de cambio de autoridades en Organizaci�n Sionista. A su izquierda el presidente anterior, Roberto Cyjon, Embajador de Israel, Joel Salpak y Amos Hermon, Jefe del Depto. de Educaci�n de la Agencia Jud�a. Participaron tambi�n en este acto Arieh Abir, Representante de la Agencia Jud�a y la OSM para Am�rica Latina, Leo Vinovezky, C�nsul de la Embajada de Israel, y presidentes y representantes de todas las instituciones de la comunidad jud�a del Uruguay. (15 de marzo de 2005)
Some 40 people from the Jewish community of Stockholm gather in the Jewish Center there to enjoy an evening of Herzl.
The recently inaugurated Jewish Community Center of Costa Rica, headquarters of the Orthodox Jewish Community of Costa Rica, had the pleasure of the visit of Mr.Reuven Rivlin(MK).
The two prestigious prizes were presented at a reception at the Israeli Embassy in Denmark
Almost 700 people attended the Israel Fair organized by the South African Zionist Federation, the Israel Centre and Israel United Appeal in the Glenhazel Shul. The IUA/SAZF guest speaker, MK Natan Sharansky, was the major draw card.
Purim Connection 2005: Young Americans Participate in Distribution
More than 500 people attended each of the fun filled concerts.
The Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland organize an evening of Israeli culture and fun.
In a very large assembly of more than a hundred people the new authorities of the Zionist Organization of Uruguay were announced.
The event, a full day affair, started at 10:00 a.m. and finished at 4:30 p.m. The theme of the event was "One People - One Heart" This very special community-wide program attracted upwards of 10,000 people. The mall was festively decorated with Israeli flags and blue and white balloons throughout its length.
The demonstration was an expression of the ongoing relationship between the Western Province Zionist Council and the Interfaith Group
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