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Doing Zionism

Clockwise from top left: Chairman Stuart Taylor, Director Sam Green, Michael Steel, Gila Finkelstein, Jonathan Taylor, Yehuda Finkelstein. Mizrachi Zionist Federation Continues its Kesher Program

Kesher Program Welcomes MK Gila Finkelstein

Herzl with (from left to right) Tibi Roth - Romania, David Breakstone - Israel, Dan Cohen – Holland, Nechemja Gang – Austria, Makis Batis – Greece, Dorrit Norden – Denmark, Saralyn Greenblatt – Israel and Andras Buchler - Hungary Herzl Traveling Exhibit Unveiled at the Annual European Zionist Federation Chairs' Conference

This year's conference was held along side and in conjunction with the 3rd Annual European General Assembly held in Budapest, Hungary.

The Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland - Jerusalem Day, Mission to Israel

This year's regular ZF trip to Israel was especially timed to coincide with Yom Yerushalaim (Jerusalem day).

photo by Larry Engelhart / Deja Views Chicago AZM celebrates Yom Yerushalayim

Deputy Consul General David Roet recipient of the Jerusalem Prize 2004

Yom Yerushalaim Celebration in Montevideo

The Zionist Organization of Uruguay honored Mr. Roberto Montenegro, a great friend of Israel, and the conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of SODRE, with the Jerusalem Prize 2004


Once again the South African Zionist Federation concludes a spectacular tour.

Chanels of Rage Israel Film Week in Budapest

Movies shown during the festival: Avanim, James Journey to Jerusalem, No. 17, Satmar Custody, The Secret and Chanels of Rage.

Yom Haatzmaut in Uruguay

The Zionist Organization of Uruguay marks Israel's 56th birthday with a week of festivities.

Zionist Federation of New Zealand - Yom Haatzmaut

Cabaret style evening featuring the Israeli Army Band to mark Israel Independence Day in Auckland


Zionist Federation of Venezuela has kept its profile as a leading institution in the solid Venezuelan Jewish Community.

Yom Haatzmaut in France

The Zionist Organization of France is one of many partners putting together an exciting evening to celebrate Yom Haatzmaut

Fighting Anti-Semitism in the FSU

The Zionist Organization of Russia "Moria" plays an active role in the three day Conference on Anti-Semitism

State Zionist Council of NSW celebrates Yom Haatzmaut

Carnival, rides, food, stalls and gala concert are in store for those attending the Yom Haatzmaut celebration in Sydney, Australia

Rami Kleinstein headliner at Israel�s 56th Anniversary Concert

Canadian Zionist Federation, Eastern Region celebrated Israel�s 56th Anniversary with a gala Yom Ha�atzmaut concert which was held at Place des Arts.

Chicago Region, American Zionist Movement celebrates Yom Haatzmaut


Honor, Remember, Celebrate

Yom Hazicaron and Yom Haatzmaut with the American Zionist Federation in New York City

Yom Ha�atzmaut in Denmark

Once again Yom Ha�atzmaut was celebrated in Copenhagen in cooperation with the Israeli Embassy, the Jewish Community, a lot of Jewish organizations and friendship organizations, and headed and welcomed by the Danish Zionist Federation.

With Israel and for Peace

The Zionist Organization of Argentina commemorate Yom Hazikaron and celebrate Yom Haatzmaut

Yom Haatzmaut - Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland

The Best Ever Yom Haatzmaut Celebration

The Zionist Federation of Holland - Yom Haatzmaut

A capacity crowd of nearly 200 participants celebrated Yom Haatzmaut at the Jewish Cultural Centre in Amsterdam.


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