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Doing Zionism

Ambassador Margalit receives first copy of First Dutch Translation of Herzl's "Der Judenstaat" Since 1919

"The Legacy of Herzl" was the subject of a forum organized by the Zionist Organization of Holland, where the new translation of "The Jewish State" was presented for the first time.

American Zionist Movement Promotes the Herzl Traveling Exhibit

Herzl Up Close and Personal was seen by the more than 2,500 educators visiting the annual CAJE Conference this August at Hofstra University.

Louise Ellman MP The Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland hold its biennial conference at the Hampstead Britannia Hotel, London.

The almost two hundred Zionists who attended the conference agreed that it was a fascinating, informative and rewarding day.

The South African Zionist Federation ISRAEL ARTS JUDAICA 2004 Exhibition

The exhibition opened with a flourish on Saturday night 4 September, when more than 350 guests filled the halls at Beyachad to see the wide variety of art and Judaica brought to South Africa as part of the SA Zionist Federation ISRAEL FESTIVAL.

From left: Dr. Moises Mitrani, President Zionist Federation; Ing. Benjamin Spekman, President of the Central Committee; Sr. David Dadon, Israeli Ambassador; Rabbi Abraham Palti, Rabbi Sepharadic Community;  Lic. Rafael Rodriguez Barrera, recipient Jerusalem Prize; Lic. Eduardo Luis Feher, author and good friend of the FSM; Ing. David Ezquenazi, President Sephardic Community The Zionist Federation of Mexico Awards the Jerusalem Prize to Rafael Rodríguez Barrera

More than 500 people attended the evening in Mexico City, which honored the past Ambassador of Mexico in Israel.

Kidma Seminar in Croatia 1-5 September - Kidma Seminar in Croatia

In Pirovac, the resort of the Croatian Jewish Community, about 20 people from Hungarian Kidma have gathered to enhance leadership skills, and to decide Kidma Hungary's goals and curriculum for next year.

Otto Preminger: Exodus 1-5 September: Theodor Herzl film-week in Budapest

Films were shown at the �r�kmozg� Film Museum in Budapest.

7.Jewish Summer Festival 29 August - 5 September: 7. Jewish Summer Festival

A five-act French opera, a concert by the percussion group Amadinda, and Haydn's Creation was just some of the various musical programmes that were offered at this year's Jewish Summer Festival.

The Trauma of Terrorism Amongst the Israeli Population - lecture by Dr. Yonatan Fine

The Zionist Organization of Argentina sponsored a lecture to learn about the effects of terrorism on the lives of Israelis.

Dorrit Norden, President Zionist Federation of Denmark introduces David Walzer, the new Israeli Ambassador to Denmark. Herzl: Up Close and Personal Unveiled in Denmark

The traveling exhibition, which celebrates Theodor Herzl, visionary of the Jewish state on the 100th anniversary of his passing, was enthusiastically received at the viewing organized by the Zionist Federation of Denmark (DZF).

23-29 August: Summer Camp and Zionist Seminar at Lake Balaton

Our traditional summer camp was again a great success! For more information please write to �va Farkas at [email protected]

�THE SHOW MUST GO ON� 2004 Israel Festival � South African Zionist Federation

The second item on the Festival calendar, on 22 August, was the internationally acclaimed stage show, �THE SHOW MUST GO ON� performed by the MIDRACHOV Dance Group from Petach Tikva under the direction of SHAI LAVI.

The Zionist Federation of Chile Brings "Herzl: Up Close and Personal" to the Hebrew Institute in Santiago

The traveling exhibit celebrating the visionary of the Jewish state on the 100th anniversary of his passing was an exciting part of Israel Week.

The Carmel Choir Brings Traditional Israeli Songs to the Evangelic Church of Santiago

Josef Regev, Israeli Ambassador to Chile, together with the Zionist Federation of Chile and over 10,000 participants congratulate the Evangelic Church of Santiago on their 95th Anniversary.

Dr. David Breakstone, head of the Department for Zionist Activity (left) and Dr. Ron Weiser, President, Zionist Federation of Australia Zionist Federation of Australia - National Jewish Educators Conference

Australian Jewish educators demonstrated their commitment to Jewish learning and teaching at the largest gathering of its kind in Australia � the National Biennial Jewish Educators Conference run by the Zionist Federation of Australia.

14-20 August - Hashomer Hatzair � international leaders meeting and seminar

Two participants came from Hungary, who were appointed to lead the movement in Hungary next year.

8-14 August - Kidma � Meretz World Movement Seminar

The seminar will focus on the Israeli-Arab relationship. We are planning to have a group of 6 people. If possible we would like others to join the seminar when they are finishing the Birthright trip.

Sziget Festival 2004 4-11 August - Kidma attended the Sziget 2004 Festival

Over 100 civil organizations were present and provided services during Sziget Festival (

3-8 August - Hashomer Hatzair and Kidma � shooting interviews with members of resistance under the Shoah and the Communist regime

We visited 5-6 survivors to made interviews. We are in the process of making two documentary movies - we've made these interviews for both.

3-25 August - Kibbutz Ulpan of the Hashomer Hatzair by the JAFI

3 and a half week ulpan in a kibbuc. Kids till age of 18 gathered by the Shomer, trip organized, funded by the JAFI.


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