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Doing Zionism

From left to right: Ron Weiser, Ambassador Tamir, Mrs. Katsav and President Katsav HERZL AWARD to Dr Ron Weiser, President, Zionist Federation of Australia

Dr Ron Weiser, in his 10th year as President of the Zionist Federation of Australia and the Australian recipient of the inaugural Herzl award, was awarded the prize by the Israeli Ambassador, Naftali Tamir in the presence of the President of the State of Israel, Mr Moshe Katsav.

On-Your-Way-Home-Meeting with Manu Sareen

Approximately 50 people attended a very interesting evening on the subject of "Islam and Anti-Semitism".

Fifth Annual Dinner of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland

The 5th Annual Dinner in addition to being one of the premier and important evenings for Jewish solidarity and Zionism in the British Calendar raised around �8000 towards a memorial park for the dead at the Dolphinarium.

"Question time on Israel" 'The Future after Arafat' � a Panel Discussion

The Zionist Federation of Great Britain's 'Israel Now' group, together with The North Western Reform Synagogue of Alyth Gardens, held an incredibly successful ticket only evening, with almost 400 people crammed into the filled to capacity room.

The Herzl Exhibit in Serbia

The Jewish Communities of Serbia translated the Visitor's Guide into Serbian in order to make the most of the traveling exhibit as it winds its way throughout the country.

The Zionist Federation of Great Britain Sponsors a Jewish Pop Idol Competition

More than 50 children took part in a talent competition for children from all Jewish Schools around London.

Tu B'Svat Tu B'Svat

Tu B'Svat bash at Szimpla T�likert with Marom and "Green Youth".

The Zionist Federation of Brazil Demonstrates for Peace

The Brazilian Jewish community counters the anti Israel sentiment expressed by the World Social Forum

Committee Room Zionist Federation of Great Britain - Lobby at the House of Parliament.

Almost two hundred people, Christians and Jews gathered to show MPs that British Jews and Christians For Israel (CFI) are a force to be considered.

The Herzl Award and the Herzl-Nordau Memorial Medal

The Herzl Award and the Herzl-Nordau Memorial Medal were given out to the recipients on 16 January 2005.

Festive Kabalat Shabbat with the Zionist Federation of Greece

The Greek Zionist Federation, in cooperation with the Jewish Agency in Athens organized a Kabbalat Shabbat in the Athens synagogue where the "guest of honor" was Theodor Herzl.

Lecture Series � South African Zionist Federation (SAZF)

Four interesting and diverse lecturers inspire their audiences in Johannesburg

The Jerusalem Prize in Uruguay

The Zionist Federation of Uruguay has a long tradition of honoring its worthy citizens with the Jerusalem Prize.

The Herzl Award: an original bronze sculpture by Michael Katz The Herzl Award 2004-2005

The Department for Zionist Activities is pleased to announce the recipients of the Herzl Award.

Moises Salinas wins WZO Herzl Award

Chairman of the Greater Hartford Region of the American Zionist Movement, Moises Salinas, was recently awarded the Herzl Prize for Zionist Volunteerism. He is one of only 10 award recipients across the world to have been awarded to prize for 2004.

The Herzl Traveling Exhibit Makes the Rounds

Under the auspice of the American Zionist Movement the Herzl exhibit is seen far and wide.

ENCOUNTER TO ISRAEL 2005 with the Zionist Federation of South Africa

A group of 'almost 12th graders' from Capetown visit Israel and realize they have come HOME.

Theodor Herzl Represented at the Limmud Conference in England

This year the number of participants at Limmud exceeded 2000 people with over 700 diverse sessions being presented throughout the week. Sessions included political discussions, film and drama sessions, text studies, music workshops to name a few. There was representation from all across the globe with specific sessions in a number of different languages.

Herzl Caravan in Winter Camps in France

Young people from BBYO, "Zofim", DEJJ, Betar, Young Judea and "Yaniv" all Jewish youth movements had a special treat at their winter camps this year � Herzl came to visit.

Hanoar Hatzioní, acto de preparación de su 60 aniversario 17/10/2004 Exposici�n Herzl en Uruguay

La Exposici�n Herzl fue presentada en varias instituciones en Uruguay. siendo vista por un numeroso p�blico.


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