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Doing Zionism

The Zionist Federation of Uruguay Brings "Kaf-Tet B'November" to the Uruguayan Parliament

The day on which the General Assembly of the United Nations voted in favor of the partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states will be marked by a special session of the Uruguayan Parliament as a result of the initiative of the Zionist Federation there.

The Zionist Federation Celebrates the 90th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in Great Style

Almost three hundred people came to the historic Locarno suites at the foreign office to celebrate the over subscribed event.

World Solidarity Day initiated by WZO for Israel's Missing and Abducted Soldiers

There were events of varying sizes in 16 countries; over 70 events in all, including over 50 in the United States alone.

Inaugural Event of American Zionist Movement's Young Leadership Group

It was �Standing Room Only� at the inaugural event for AZM�s young leadership group Or L�Dor � lighting the way for the next generation.

New Officers Elected for Two-Year Term in Service of the Zionist Movement

The American Zionist Movement (AZM) convened for its Biennial Assembly in order to elect new leadership and establish an action agenda for the Zionist movement for the next two years.

Zionist Federation of Sweden Presents the Jerusalem Prize 2007

Minister Miriam Pauncz, from the Israeli Embassy, presented the beautiful, silver embossed Shofar to Mr. Gunnar Hökmark, member of the European Parliament in Brussels.

The Zionist Federation of Australia Hosted a Visit by Shlomo Goldwasser

Shlomo Goldwasser, the father of Ehud Goldwasser one of the soldiers captured last summer, has not seen his son for the past 14 months. He spent the past week in Australia as a guest of the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) as part of a national awareness campaign to highlight the distressing plight of his son Ehud, as well as comrades Eldad Regev and Gilad Shalit.

Daniel Berke Recipient of 2007 Herzl Award, Manchester Federation

The prize was presented to Daniel Berke, a 29 year- old Manchester crime lawyer, by Zionist Federation president, Prof. Eric Moonman at the AGM of the Manchester Zionist Central Council. Dan was nominated by the Manchester Zionist Central Council, of which he is its youngest executive member.

Zionist Federation of Argentina Celebrates 60 Years

Israeli entertainer, Shalva Berti, captivated the audience with her splendid singing.

American Zionist Movement Hosts Fun Days for Citizens of Sderot

Sderot residents, living under a barrage of Qassam rocket fire, were treated to fun and educational day trips by the American Zionist Movement.

Heads of the Zionist Federation Present a Letter to the Hungarian Foreign Minister

Adam Schonberger, Executive Director of the ZF of Hungary and Attila Novak Head of ZF of Hungary, wrote a letter to Foreign Minister. Ms Kinga Goncz.

Alberto Moryusef Awarded 2007 Herzl Award in Venezuela

The Herzl Award was presented to Alberto Moryusef, a young, tireless volunteer who is now serving as the Vice-President of the Federation.

Zionist Federation of Uruguay Presents Jerusalem Prize 2007

The Jerusalem Prize was awarded this year to Senator Dr. Sergio Abreu.

WZO Latin America Desk representative lectures in Mexico

Andy Faur,from the Department of Zionist Activities, World Zionist Organization, addressed a crowd in Mexico.

Bring Our Soldiers Home

The Zionist Federation of Australia together with State Zionist Councils across Australia has initiated plans to revive last year's 'Blue Ribbon Campaign' calling for the release of the kidnapped soldiers and demonstrating our unwavering solidarity with the State of Israel.

Zionist Federation of Argentina Pays Tribute to Volunteers

To celebrate 40 years of the unification of Jerusalem, volunteers of the Six Day War were honored.

Zionism in Every Corner of South Africa

Six communities around South Africa were visited by the Zionist Caravan.

Herzl Award recipient, Dmitri Vasserman (left) with Ambassador Eviatar Manor and Bo Sallmander (right), Chair of the Zionist Federation Dmitri Vasserman Herzl Award Recipient in Sweden

The Zionist Federation of Sweden presented the Herzl Award to Mr. Vasserman, a young Zionist activist, at the annual meeting of the Stockholm section of the Sweden-Israel Friendship Association.

Zionist District of Baltimore Marches in Rememberance of the Six Day War

Nearing the 40th anniversary, congregants and students take to the streets in hope of peace in Israel.

Zionist Federation of Austria Celebrates Jerusalem Day

About 150 people were in attendance at the celebration of Yom Yerusalayim.


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