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Doing Zionism

From left to right:Ambassador Raymond Loretan, Consul General of Switzerland; Ambassador Arye Mekel, Consul General of Israel; Rabbi Arthur Schneier, past president Religious Zionists of America; Ambassador Dr. Gabor Horvath, Consul General of Hungary; and Ambassador Dr. Michael Breisky, Consul General of Austria.  The Consul Generals join in the singing of Commemoration of the Life of Theodor Herzl (1860-1904)

The American Zionist Movement hosted an event with four Consul Generals from around the world to pay tribute to Theodor Herzl, the father of Zionism.

Modiin In San Jose

The Jewish Community of Costa Rica, young and old, gathered around the new Jewish Community Center menorah patio to celebrate the lighting of the sixth Chanukah candle.

Baltimore Zionist District Introduces its 2004 Brandeis Award Recipient

The Baltimore Zionist District (BZD) is pleased to announce that Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi received the 2004 Louis D. Brandeis Award, BZD's Top Honor, at the 61st Annual Brandeis Gala, Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi-is the founder and president of The Israel Project, a non-profit organization devoted to improving Israel's image in order to help protect Israel, reduce anti-Semitism and increase pride in Israel.

Hanuka Festival 2004 Hanuka Festival in Budapest

For the second time running, Jewish youth organizations of Hungary, including Bnei Akiva, Habonim Dror, Hashomer Hatzair, Kidma and HUJS with the cooperation of Hagshama Department, JDC Hungary and Balint Jewish Community Centre, joined forces to make Hanuka a great party in Budapest.

Israel Advocacy Activists Meet for Seminar in Jerusalem

If you take 5 Australians, 2 Italians, 2 Danes, a South African, an Austrian, a Brit and a Swede, all of whom are activists for Israel within their communities, bring in the Department for Zionist Activities, and have them spend a week together � what do you get?�..

The Zionist Organization of Uruguay Presents �SIONISMO � A cien años de Herzl� (Zionism � A Hundred Years of Herzl)

The book is the result of the work of ten intellectuals from Uruguay and abroad who refer to the Zionist ideal from different perspectives. It represents the homage of the Jewish community of Uruguay to Theodor Herzl in the hundredth year of his demise.

Presidente de OSU, Ing. Roberto Cyjon, en la presentación del libro SIONISMO - A cien a�os de Herzl

Presentaci�n del libro "SIONISMO - A cien a�os de Herzl" de la Organizaci�n Sionista del Uruguay. Este libro contiene el trabajo de diez intelectuales uruguayos y del exterior y es el homenaje de la Organizaci�n Sionista del Uruguay a Theodoro Hezl en el cent�simo aniversario de su fallecimiento.

WIZO - since 1920 WIZO Charity Fair

Organized by the WIZO Hungary Association. All funds will go to charity.

Hungarian Marom Autumn Seminar in Romania

Thirty young Mesorati Hungarians travelled to Timisoara at the end of October to participate in a high level weekend seminar in which they delved into the search for their roots, together with their Romanian colleagues.

South African Zionist Federation ISRAEL NOW TOUR

The first Israel Now Tour took place in 2002 - the fifth tour took place in November 2004. Since the start of the first tour, and over a period of 24 months, more than 200 South African Jews (and a few gentiles) have visited Israel.

Long Distance Lectures

Mr. Eytan Gilboa, from a comfortable chair in Jerusalem, participated in a meeting of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain in London.

"Ofakim" Hungary - Seminar in Israel

The first pilot trip of the new �Ofakim� project took place when 16 Young Hungarian Zionist leaders visited Israel.

The Hungarian Ofakim Group 14-21 November: Ofakim Trip to Israel

The participants of the Hungarian Ofakim (Zionist Leadership Program) will be in Israel for 10 days between 14-21 November.

Do The Write Thing at the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities

A group of Jewish campus journalists benefited from a well organized and successful conference in its 15th year.

Denmark Commemorates Crystal Nacht

The Zionist Federation of Denmark together with the Jewish Community organized a torch guard in front of the big synagogue in Copenhagen.

Zionist Organization of Argentina Presents: "Israel Today � Problems and Solutions"

Dr. Jose Itzigsohn opened the four part lecture series, "CENTRO CONTEMPORANEO DE ESTUDIOS JUDAICOS Y SIONISTAS" in Buenos Aires.

The Zionist Organization of Argentina Commemorates Rabin Day

The evening, organized by the Zionist Federation together with Hagshama and the youth movements, brought together all the central institutions of the community to pay homage to a great man.

5-7 November: Seminar and educator�s course of the Jewish � Zionist Resistance

The seminar will focus on the Shoah and Communist times, with many special features, including documentary film, book, videoconference, Szenes Hanna commemoration, etc.

Yom Rabin in Costa Rica

The Zionist Federation together with the Jewish Community, Jewish Club and Hanoar Hatzioni organized the evening commemorating the 9th anniversary of Itzchak Rabin's death.

Pro-Israel Message to Thousands Organized by the Greater Hartford Region of the American Zionist Movement

Mr.Walid Shoebat brought the unforgettable story of his journey from a PLO terrorist to an ardent Zionist to the University of Hartford, the University of Connecticut at Storrs, Connecticut College, and the U. S. Coast Guard Academy in New London.


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