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Doing Zionism

South African Zionist Federation 2006 Solidarity Concert of the Year

Close to 1000 people attended the concert of three musical maestros, which was hosted by the SAZF and the Jewish National Fund of South Africa, with generous sponsorship from the World Zionist Organisation.

Israel’s Ambassador to London, Zvi Heifetz (right) with Andrew Balcombe, Chair of the Zionist Federation The Zionist Federation of Great Britain & Ireland Coordinates "Israel 60"

Zvi Hefetz, Israel's Ambassador in the UK, recently launched "Israel 60" - an exciting programme of Israeli events leading up to its 60th Independence Day in May 2008. The Ambassador named the ZF as the Embassy's "closest organisation."

The Jewish Community of Costa Rica Commemorates Yom Rabin

The Jewish Orthodox Community of Costa Rica, the Costa Rican Sports Club (Deportivo Israelita) and the Hanoar Hatzioni, joined the worldwide commemoration of the 11th anniversary of Itzjak Rabin�s death with a very meaningful act.

Marc Attali, Consul General of Israel in Montreal, brings greetings to the audience THE RABIN MEMORIAL 2006 in MONTREAL

The Canadian Zionist Federation, Eastern Region held the 11th Annual Commemoration Ceremony in memory of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin Z"L in conjunction with the Consulate General of Israel in Montreal. The community-wide event was held at the Gelber Conference Centre in Montreal.

The weight on our shoulders

This week, two of Herzl�s children were laid to rest on the Jerusalem mount bearing their father�s name.

Zionist Federation of Sweden Presents the Jerusalem Prize

Israel's Ambassador to Sweden, Eviatar Manor, presented the Jerusalem prize to parliamentarian Ewa Bjoerling.

Left to right: Marcia Parness, Dan Ginsberg, 2005 winner and Shaun Croock, 2006 winner ISRAEL QUIZ �2006


The Danish Jewish Community Meets Israeli Foreign Minister Livni

Charlotte Thalmay, a member of the Executive and participant in the recent WZO Solidarity Mission to Israel, represented the Danish Zionist Federation at a meeting giving the leaders of the Danish Jewish Community an opportunity to meet Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.

Copenhagen Expresses Its Solidarity with Israel

The Danish Zionist Federation along with other Jewish organisations as well as our Danish friendship organisations arranged a solidarity meeting at the synagogue in Copenhagen.

MP Professor Ewa Bjoerling, the recipient of the Jerussalem Prize 2006, addressing the crowd Report from Israel Rally in Stockholm Organized by the Zionist Federation

Heavy rain started pouring over Stockholm half an hour before the rally was scheduled to start. By the time we assembled at Raoul Wallenberg�s Square on 20 August at 6 p.m. the skies had cleared, the sun was shining � a perfect Support Israel Rally kind of weather.

On�Your�Way-Home-Meeting with Shai Hermesh and Joel Hasson

With only short notice the Danish Zionist Organization managed to arrange a on-your-way-home meeting with Shai Hermesh and Joel Hasson from Kadima.

"With Israel, For Peace, Against Terror" Organized by the Zionist Federation in Argentina

The Mega Demonstration took place in front of the former Israeli Embassy, which was bombed in 1992.

Johannesburg police car with Israeli flags during Solidarity Rally Solidarity Rally in Johannesburg Organized by the South African Zionist Federation

The event, attended by thousands, gave various community leaders a chance to publicly articulate their support for the difficult actions that Israel has been forced into.


The WZO World Wide Solidarity Mission , attended by supporters of Israel mobilized by Zionist Federations in 16 different countries spent 3 intensive days from Haifa in the north to Sderot in the south seeing and hearing first hand about the war and its ramifications.

Two Camps Rally Together in Support for Israel

While the rockets continue to take their toll on Northern Israel, all is relatively quiet in central Wisconsin.

Solidarity Meeting Held in Durban, South Africa

In a packed hall, and under the auspices of the KwaZulu-Natal Zionist Council and the Council KwaZulu-Natal Jewry, over 500 members of the Durban Jewish Community, together with our Christian Zionist friends, came together at the Durban Jewish Centre to show solidarity and support for Israel.

Dr. Gerardo Stuczynski, President of the Zionist Organization of Uruguay addresses the crowd Uruguayan Jewish Community Rally in Support of Israel

The hall of the Kehilah was filled to capacity with more than two thousand people in the street as there was no room in the hall. The Rally was initiated and organized by the Zionist Organization of Uruguay together with the Israelite Central Committee and the Zionist Youth Federation.

Demonstration In Front of the Danish Parliament

With very little notice and in the name of Israel Connect, the youth organisation in the Danish Zionist Federation, a pro-Israel demonstration was organised in front of the Danish Parliament, Christiansborg.

Rabbi Melchior address the crowd Pro-Israel Rally in Amsterdam

Some 1000 people came to the J.D. Meijerplein, situated in the former Jewish Quarter and between several great Synagogues from before the Holocaust, to show their solidarity with Israel.

Dr. Robert Guttmann presents the Jerusalem Prize to Dr. Guenther Beckstein Dr. Guenther Beckstein Recipient of the Jerusalem Prize in Germany

More than 500 people and representatives of the media came to the event, which was held in a crowded "Sophiensaal" in Munich.


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