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Doing Zionism

United Kingdom Zionist Federation Delegation to Syrian Embassy

Jewish Communal Leaders meet Syrian Ambassador

Supporters of Israel Around the World Honored

The Jerusalem Prize, sponsored by the Department for Zionist Activities, is awarded by Zionist Federations to outstanding personalities, Jewish and non-Jewish, who have demonstrated exceptional support for Israel, Jerusalem and the Zionist cause. Among the 2006 recipients:

Herzl Award Recipients 2006

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2006 winners of the third annual Herzl Award, initiated by the Department for Zionist Activites to commemorate the Centenary of Herzl's passing.

The Jerusalem Prize in Montreal

On May 25, 2006 the Canadian Zionist Federation � Eastern Region will bestow this special award to a very deserving individual, an individual who exemplifies that which this award stands for - Rabbi Reuben Poupko.

American Zionist Movement Chicago Region Celebrates Yom Ha�Atzmaut 5766/2006

Erev Yom Ha�Atzmaut, the Chicago community celebrated Israel�s 58th year of Independence together at North Shore Center for Performing Arts in Skokie.

The Zionist Federation of New Zealand Presents The Herzl Award

Mazal Tov to Phil Koningham on receiving the Herzl Award for his dedication and commitment to the United Israel Appeal.

Yom Haatzmaut in the UK

Yom Haatzmaut 5766 was celebrated in great style in the UK.

"Colours of Israel" in Switzerland

Zionistische Vereinigung Basel, a part of the Swiss Zionist Federation organized together with the member organizations, the Jewish Community, the Jewish Communities Youth leader and the youth organizations a Yom Ha�atzmaut celebration, under the headline "Colours of Israel".

Yom Ha'atzmaut 2006 in Johannesburg

Despite the inclement weather, a few thousand people gathered together at the Balfour Park Shopping Centre to enjoy a wonderful celebration of Israel's Independence Day.

Manchester Yom Ha'atzmaut 58 Celebrations

The Tzanhani Brothers, stars of Israel�s most popular TV show of the decade, Kochav Nolad (A Star is Born), set the Manchester Yom Ha�atzmaut 58 audience alight. The unique sound and professional delivery of Ofir, Eran and Tomi plus lots of old favourites got everyone up and dancing in the aisles.

Yom Ha'atzmaut Headed by the Danish Zionist Federation

The celebration of Yom Ha�atzmaut began Tuesday evening with a beautiful ceremony at the synagogue in Copenhagen.

The Zionist Federation of South Africa Remembers

A most dignified and memorable Yom Hazikaron commemorative ceremony, attended by about 850 people was held in Johannesburg under the auspices of the SA Zionist Federation

Positive Zionism from the Zionist Federation of Sweden

The Swedish Federation has taken it upon itself to compile POSITIVE news from Israel in a monthly 6-page e-mail letter that is being sent free to some 700 subscribers, Jews and non-Jews.

The Zionist Federation of New Zealand Celebrates Israel Week

The Jewish community of New Zealand has just completed a week long celebration of Israel.

The Israeli Elections in Copenhagen

The Danish Zionist Federation together with Eitan, an Israeli club, arranged an electoral evening in Copenhagen.

The Department for Zionist Activities Scholar in Residence Program

Montreal welcomed Professor Raphael Israeli when he spoke at the Zave Ettinger Memorial Annual Lecture.

L - R Adv Jonathan Silke Hon Life President WPZC, Moonyeen Castle chairman SAJBOD, David Hersch Chairman WPZC, Michael Bagraim National Chairman SAJBOD, Mr Michael Breslin 82 year old holocaust survivor Holocaust Day Siren Heard in Cape Town

Due to the efforts of the Western Province Zionist Council of the South African Zionist Federation, a siren was sounded commemorating Yom Hashoah for the first time ever in a country in the Diaspora.

Canadian Zionist Federation � Eastern Region ISRAEL DAY 2006

Israeli flags were flying and the Cavendish Mall was awash in blue and white when it hosted ISRAEL DAY from 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

B'nai Akiva Eurovision Contest

With the support of the Zionist Federation of Sweden the song festival along with the Shabbaton, was once again one of the major events of the year.

American Zionist Movement - 19th Purim Connection

AZM gave 1,500 mishloach manot packages to IDF soldiers in Nahal units.


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