Doing Zionism

Dance of SimchesThe South African Zionist Federation, in association with the JNF, hosted the phenomenally successful "Off Simches" Chassidic song-and-dance group from Bnei Brak.
"One People � One Heart"This year's Israel Day, organized by the Eastern Region of the Canadian Zionist Federation, was the best ever!
Conference in Latin America for Jewish Agency (JAFI) EmissariesExciting initiatives within the framework of Partnership 2000 for South American Zionist Federations
Relentless Seminar a Great Success!Relentless film is the focus of a very successful three day seminar in Denmark.
"The Jewish Zionist Question In South Africa: Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism?"To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Theodore Herzl, the South African Zionist Federation held a most successful and stimulating symposium.
New Website on Anti-SemitismThe Department for Jewish Zionist Education of the Jewish Agency for Israel has recently developed a new website dealing with anti-Semitism.
HEBREW LECTUREA lecture about English influences in the Hebrew language
Learning Hebrew in MontrealMontreal branch of the CZF has a class for everyone in their Hebrew ulpan.
Preserving Israel's Good NameZionist Federations around the world - supporting and defending Israel.
Scholars In Residence ProgramLecturers Traveling the World
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