Resources and articles on Social Action Organizations

Offering solutions to families with disabled children:  Keren Malki

In the wake of the tragic loss of their daughter, a family creates a fund in her memory to assist other families with severely disabled children. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Equality in opportunity:  Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews

The IAEJ is a non-profit organization working to further the cause of equal access to educational and employment opportunities for all Ethiopian Israelis [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organzization:  Beit Hashanti - Home for Distressed Youth

Beit Hashanti, established in 1984, is a unique home for homeless and street youth and whose aim is to look after youngsters in distress and who have suffered abuse; who are at odds with the authorities and/or have dropped out of formal treatment frameworks, or who have been abandoned by their parents. For many youngsters Beit Hashanti is a last chance before the slide into life on the streets, as well as a last opportunity to be in a warm and loving home. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  Table to Table

Table to Table, established in 2003, seeks to maximize the use of excess food to respond to the nutritional needs of hungry individuals in Israel. Table to Table is a food rescue organization that collects high quality, excess food from catered events, corporate cafeterias, restaurants, factories, army bases and farms. Each week Table to Table distributes thousands of meals and tons of produce and dairy products to initiatives that serve such populations as at-risk youth, seniors, working poor and the unemployed. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  SHATIL

SHATIL is a non-profit organization which strengthens Israeli civil society by promoting democracy, social justice and tolerance. To encourage and sustain the growth of civil society organization in Israel and encourage the empowerment of peripheral populations, SHATIL provides organizations each year with direct consulting, training workshops and coalition coordination. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  Physicians for Human Rights-Israel

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel is a non-party-affiliated, non-profit foundation, whose goal is the advancement and defense of health-related human rights for all the residents of Israel and the occupied territories. This includes residents who are undocumented or who are not recognized by the state. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department

Israel > Politics
Peace Process
Peace Process > The Palestinians
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  Saving Children's Lives, Spreading Tolerance

A young American who served as volunteer in Israel, shares with us his memorable learning experience at the "Save a Child's Heart" organization, where a group of cardiologists, pediatric heart surgeons and nurses donate their time in order to save as many children's lives as possible. With the slogan of �a child is a child�, they operate on any child in need regardless of religion, race, sex, or background creating the wonderful side effect of spreading tolerance and acceptance of each other's cultures. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Advocacy
Jews Around the World
Social Action Organizations
Voices of the Young

Feature Organization:  Israeli Center for Social Justice

The uniqueness of the Israeli Center for Social Justice resides in promoting discussion among the government, the civil society and the business sector; in developing a multidisciplinary approach; and by promoting new venues to enhance the principles of social justice, equality of opportunity and social solidarity. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Politics
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  Gevanim Center for Community Diversity

Gevanim Center for Community Diversity (GCCD) is an Israeli registered non-profit association established in September 2001. GCCD's multidisciplinary staff develops culturally sensitive early childhood education and parents programs for communities in transition - Ethiopian, Bukharan, Caucasian, Arab and Bedouin. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  Kav La'Oved

Kav LaOved (worker's hotline) is a non-profit Israeli NGO, dedicated to the protection of worker rights. Kav LaOved helps the most vulnerable in Israeli society: 250,000 Migrant workers (10% of Israeli workforce), Palestinians working in Israel and Jewish settlements, ethnic minority citizens, and people employed via sub-contractors. These workers are subject to withheld payment, under payment, confinement, and criminal abuse. Most of them have no representation or access to institutional help. Due to their nationality, legal status, social-economic background, cultural-linguistic barriers, or gender, these workers are less likely to be familiar with their rights, and less capable to guarantee their implementation. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Israel > Israeli Arabs
Israel > Politics
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  �Larger Than Life�

Established in 1998, by parents of children with cancer, �Larger Than Life� is a humanitarian voluntary organization serving sick children all over Israel. The aim of the organization is to improve the quality of life of children with cancer, regardless of race, nationality or religious affiliation. The organization cares for children of all faiths: Jews, Christians, Druze and Muslims. Its activities take place in cooperation with all of the hospitals in Israel. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  ADVA Center

The Adva Center (�Adva� means ripple) is an Israeli non-partisan, independent action-oriented policy analysis center, founded in 1991 by activists from three social movements: the movement for equal rights for Arab citizens, the movement for equality for Mizrahi Jews, and the feminist movement. ACTION describes one- half of its program and POLICY ANALYSIS the other half. The mission of Adva is to promote equality for citizens of all ethnic and socio - economic minorities, including gender equality. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Israeli Arabs
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Jewish Women
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  Israeli Guide Dog Center for the Blind

The Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind, established in 1991, has one objective � to enable blind and visually impaired Israelis achieve independence, mobility and self-esteem through the use of guide dogs. The primary activity of the staff is the forging of a successful, working �Partnership� between the guide dog and his visually impaired owner. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  The Eden Association

Established in 1997 by educators and social activists, The Eden Association aims to promote educational and social projects in the northern Negev, Israel�s southernmost region. Their initiatives have significantly improved the quality of life for an underprivileged, and often overlooked segment of Israeli society. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

The Center for Social and Environmental Activism:  Project Shinui

Project Shinui is a volunteer placement program through which qualified individual volunteers, ages 19-35, are matched with Israeli social and environmental change organizations in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Volunteers have the opportunity to support social justice in areas such as coexistence, Jewish pluralism, civil and human rights, improving the status of women, bridging social and economic gaps, and immigrant absorption. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Jerusalem AIDS project:  Ringing Bells

A national and International NGO focusing on education for HIV/AIDS Prevention, IsraAID's major areas of work include: formal education, conflict areas and non-formal education youth settings. JAIP has developed unique models for HIV prevention. The following is a story about one of their programs/ [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

:  Yad Sarah

Yad Sarah is a humanitarian organization, legally defined as a N.G.O., which was established 29 years ago and since then acts in order to enhance the quality of life for people who are coping with impaired functioning of all kinds and their families. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations


In neighborhoods of poverty and hardship across the country, live thousands of youths, many of them from new immigrant families, whose parents are unable, due to many different reasons, to provide them with basic needs such as: nutritious meals, supervision, assistance in the preparation of homework, education for values, etc. In their present course, these youths grow up directly into the dangerous edges of our society, few of them will finish high school, even fewer will be drafted into the Army, their chances of learning a profession are slight, and on the other hand, the risk of deteriorating into crime and drugs is very high. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

The Lasova Society:  Lasova Soup Kitchen

Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? (Isaiah 58:7). [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

The Jerusalem Women's Center:  Kol Ha'Isha

Kol Ha-Isha -The Jerusalem Women�s Center founded in 1994, is a feminist grassroots organization in downtown Jerusalem. Kol Ha-Isha�s mission is to develop and promote a feminist multicultural model of social change, empowering women from different, often marginalized socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds, religious affiliations, nationalities and sexual orientations. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Democracy and Peace:  The Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace

Established in 1986, the Adam Institute develops and implements programs that promote education for democracy and peace, civic education and methods of conflict resolution. It is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization aimed at breaking down stereotypes and teaching non-violent methods of conflict resolution. Each year, the Institute reaches over 16,000 Arabs and Jews, Israelis, Palestinians and international participants, schoolchildren of all ages, new immigrants and veteran Israelis, women�s groups, soldiers and police officers. Trained facilitators use an innovative curriculum of games and workshop discussions, in programs ranging from one-day seminars to yearlong projects. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

HAGSHAMA FEATURE SERIES:  Israeli Social Action Organizations

It is sometimes easy to forget the euphoria of 1948. For generations of Israelis who did not personally experience the glorious moment in which the UN declared the establishment of the Independent State of Israel, the occasion is remembered by festivals, fireworks, barbecues, and parties. But while enthusiasm abounds, an absence is slowly forming. Settlers of the early Yishuv fought for years to create something new. Like the soldiers who came after them, they were driven by an ideological spirit. "Build and be built" was their motto, and they practiced it everyday. Yet while the enthusiasm of their spirit remains, the meaning behind it has begun to fade. Social problems surface almost everyday which directly contradict the ideals upon which Israel was built. Celebration of the past, while patriotic, is simply just not good enough. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

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