
Ansell Brauner , Gila
Department for Zionist Activities
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Jerusalem Prize Awards worldwide, 5769 - 2009

November 1, 2009
Round up of the distinguished awardees worldwide for 2009.

In Canada, the candidates were selected from nomination by the public through an advertisement placed in the Canadian Jewish News and reviewed by a committee. The distinguished awardees include the three women's Zionist organizations and networks, Hadassah-WIZO, Emunah and Na'amat, for their educational, social, cultural and fundraising activities in Canada, and Amos Schaczevski, an active Zionist, who has for the past several years been in charge of the Montreal Yom Ha'atzmaut Rally, funding it entirely and creating each year an outstanding presence for the Jewish Community.

In Sweden, the Jerusalem Prize was awarded in conjunction with Yom Ha'atzmaut to Siewert ?�holm, a prominent journalist and great friend of Israel, at the AGM of the Sweden-Israel Friendship Association, in V??steras, and a second award will also be presented to Bo Sallmander, outgoing President of the Swedish Zionist Federation, to mark a lifetime of dedicated work for Zionism and Israel, from Israel Advocacy to community-wide activity and representation of Israel.

In Mexico, the Jerusalem Prize has now been awarded to Pastor Felipe García Hernández, Director of the Mexico branch of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem and spiritual guide to a large evangelical community, in recognition of his demonstration of his tremendous love for the State and People of Israel and support for the Jewish community of Mexico.

In Venezuela, the Jerusalem Prize was bestowed on the Zygmunt and Anna Rotter Faculty of the  Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, a noted center of academic excellence.

In Uruguay, the Jerusalem Prize was awarded on July 26th to renowned journalist, Prof. Blanca Rodríguez, at the same time as the launch of the related book (in Spanish), Jerusalem, 19 Prizes, 19 Lectures. The cultural event included a violin recital.

In Argentina, it has been announced that the Jerusalem Prize is to be awarded to Dr Adalberto Rodríguez Giavarini , Member of Parliament, former Foreign Minister and current Finance Minister for the state of Buenos Aires. A human rights activist and leading figure in the fight for the recognition of Israel, Dr Giavarini was received by President Peres during his recent visit to Argentina.  

The Jerusalem Prize is a beautiful, mounted and engraved silver shofar, awarded annually as a mark of recognition and appreciation for work for Israel and, in some cases, the calling of a lifetime.



This year's two Jerusalem laureates from Sweden: Siewert �holm and Bo Sallmander

Ambassador Benny Dagan handing over the Jerusalem Prize to Bo Sallmander, with the Chairman of the Zionit Election Committee Michael Cohn reading the motivation.

Presentation Ceremony at the Sweden-Israel Friendship Society AGM, April 2009

The Jerusalem Prize Award in Mexico to Pastor Felipe Garc�a Hern�ndez

Pastor Felipe Garc�a Hern�ndez accepts the prize

CZF Prize Awardees in Canada were: WIZO, Naamat and Emunah
CZF Prize Award to Amos Sochaczevski, seen here with Arlazar Eliashiv
CZF Prize Award to Amos Sochaczevski, seen here with Arlazar Eliashiv