Resources and Articles by Dov Ber Borochov

Dov Ber
(1881-1917) Socialist Zionist leader and foremost theoretician, scholar of the history, ecnomic structure, language, and culture of the Jewish people. A briliant analyst in debate as well as in writing, Borochov influence wide circles of the emerging Jewish labor movement, first in Russia, later in Central and Western Europe and the US. He postulated the concept of an organic unity between scientific socialism and devotion to the national needs of the Jewish people. Borochov's main theoretical contribution was his synthesis of class struggle and nationalism, at a time when prevalent Marxist theory rejected all nationalism, and particularly Jewish nationalism, as distincly reactionary.
Dov Ber Borochov was also the founder of the Po'alei Zion party in Russia.
Voices From the Past: Ber Borochov:
Herbraismus Militans
In Israel and in the rest of the Jewish world, the passionate fight between Hebrew and Yiddish is sometimes easily forgotten. Today we look back nearly 100 years, to a time when the future dominance of Hebrew over Yiddish was not at all certain. Ber Borochov, early Zionist and co-founder of the Poale Zion Party (later to split into the Mapai Party and the Mapam Party), demonstrates the drama of the debate in an article published in 1913.
Jewish History
1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish Identity
Jewish Languages
1789-1860: Haskala (Emancipation)
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism Revisited
What role can our will, our consciousness, play in the historical processes of Jewish life?:
Our Platform IV-VI
"Our Platform" was written by Ber Borochov in 1906 for the Russian Poale Zion Party which adopted it at it's first convention that December. It was the culmination of a three week discussion in the party's drafting committee and applies the theories Borochov developed in "The National Question and the Class Struggle" to the situation of the Jews. This English translation is by Ben Yitzhaki and was done for the book NATIONALISM AND THE CLASS STRUGGLE published by Young Poale Zion in New York in 1937.)
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
What role can our will, our consciousness, play in the historical processes of Jewish life?:
Our Platform I-III
"Our Platform" was written by Ber Borochov in 1906 for the Russian Poale Zion Party which adopted it at it's first convention that December. It was the culmination of a three week discussion in the party's drafting committee and applies the theories Borochov developed in "The National Question and the Class Struggle" to the situation of the Jews. This English translation is by Ben Yitzhaki and was done for the book NATIONALISM AND THE CLASS STRUGGLE published by Young Poale Zion in New York in 1937.)
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
We must not wait:
On Questions of Zionist Theory
The Jewish people has suffered so much that greater affliction is inconceivable. Regarded objectively, our situation today, compared with the suffering experienced by our forefathers, can almost be envied, and there is every reason to believe that as time goes by our troubles will diminish. This gives support to the optimists among us, who take a hopeful view of the future in their opposition to Zionist action that aims to bring about a radical change in our situation and to put an end to the Galut episode with all its achievements. These optimists, since they value these achievements, try to prove to us that there is no need to be alarmed by the slowness of progress, on which they pin rosy hopes.
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age