Resources and articles on Voices of the Young

Do The Write Thing

:  Overheard at the GA, November 12, 2006

The following quotes were collected by DTWT participants at this year's GA. [Full article...]
By: Nathalie Alyon

Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Women
Media and the Press
Voices of the Young
Voices of the Young > Do The Write Thing

On Aliyah:  Taking the Leap: Becoming Israeli

Establishing a new life in Israel is fraught with jubilation as well as challenges. In this poignant series of correspondences to friends and family, Jo Mandel reflects about her first three months in Israel. [Full article...]
By: Jo Mandel
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Voices of the Young

On Aliyah:  Confessions of a New Immigrant

A recently arrived new immigrant explains her personal motivations for making Aliyah. [Full article...]
By: Shoshana Levin
Voices of the Young

Feature Organization:  Saving Children's Lives, Spreading Tolerance

A young American who served as volunteer in Israel, shares with us his memorable learning experience at the "Save a Child's Heart" organization, where a group of cardiologists, pediatric heart surgeons and nurses donate their time in order to save as many children's lives as possible. With the slogan of �a child is a child�, they operate on any child in need regardless of religion, race, sex, or background creating the wonderful side effect of spreading tolerance and acceptance of each other's cultures. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Advocacy
Jews Around the World
Social Action Organizations
Voices of the Young

Israel Adventures:  Conquering the Ruins of Caesarea

The second installment of Simon Trainor's Israel travel experience brings us to the magical city of ancient Caesarea. Follow him as he not only discovers the past, but lives it. [Full article...]
By: Simon Trainor
Voices of the Young

Travel Diary:  Rona's Corner

The beauty and wonder of Israel is innocently exposed by the personal correspondences of a young, American traveler. In her email excerpts, Rona recalls the thrill of experiencing Israel for the first time. [Full article...]
By: Rona Ram
Voices of the Young

Diaspora Communities:  Hagshama in the FSU

Suzi Riess, a 20 year old, from Melbourne Australia, shares with us her exciting experiences from the World Union for Progressive Judaism's biannual conference, held in Moscow. Suzi participated in Hagshama's Leadership Training Course held in 2004, while she was on her Netzer shnat year in Israel. [Full article...]
By: Suzi  Riess
Voices of the Young

:  Thoughts from a Utopian Microcosm

On Wednesday, July 13th, the morning after a suicide bombing in Netanya killed five Israelis including two teenage girls, just under a month before the planned Israeli disengagement from the Gaza strip, I am sitting in my Ulpan Alef beginner's Hebrew class in Beit Ha'am, near the center of Jerusalem... [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Voices of the Young

:  Ribbon Wars: Orange versus Blue

People used to represent their political affiliation by wearing a T-shirt with a party logo, recently the fad of sporting various coloured wristbands to raise awareness for a specific cause was adopted, but today in Israel its all about what colour ribbon you have. [Full article...]
By: Dovi Myers
Voices of the Young

Jaffa Diaries:  Simon's Series

Sitting on the roof top of a friend's apartment in Jaffa overlooking Jerusalem Boulevard my senses are given a workout that an aerobics session to a Jane Fonda video simply couldn't provide... [Full article...]
By: Simon Trainor
Voices of the Young


The lastest generation of Jewish leaders in Israel and in the Diaspora speak out on a variety of subjects. Share in their experiences as they discuss topics ranging from Israeli politics to Israeli and Jewish culture. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Voices of the Young

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