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Israel:  The Persistence of Vision

"Any Jew who makes aliyah from the United States is certainly not doing so because of anti-Semitism. We come to be connected to this land. We come to be connected to this enterprise of building a Jewish country." [Full article...]
Jewish History

Rabbi Breuer :  Searching for God's Words

A copy of a Bible forgotten in a Jerusalem attic brought Rabbi Mordechai Breuer to the end of his quest. He had already figured out the precise wording of the Bible; he was only missing the open and closed portions, or text divisions. [Full article...]
By: Yair Sheleg
Judaism > Jewish Texts
Zionism > Religious Zionism

Still looking for answers:  A Nation Like All Nations or The Chosen People

Between ideology and practice, the Zionism movement has strived for an exemplary state and society. Zeev Zahor brings us a short overview of the schools of thought on this issue and leaves us with a inspiration to take part in the shaping of Jewish history. [Full article...]
By: Zeev Zahor

Contradictions in the Modern Jewish Life:  CHAPTER FIVE

The issue of religion in Judaism is waiting for a redefinition "not to be at war with the world and to live by the code that you have inherited". [Full article...]
By: Arthur Hertzberg
Judaism > Israeli Judaism

A discussion:  Israel: state and religion - Part II

Israel: state and religion A discussion One of the most poignant difficulties of our time is the struggle between brothers � between religious and secular Jews � in Israel today. The issue has several dimensions. There is first of all an acknowledgment that until very recently and basically extending into the present, a status quo has existed between the secular state and Judaism, which has protected Judaism, reciprocated by an halachic modus operandi with the state. The conflict arises through a departure from the spirit of the accommodation which existed hitherto into a new rhetoric of the �separation of religion and state�. Notions of �freedom of, or from, religion��, emerge to conflict with traditional concept of the spiritual integrity of the Jewish people through the public protection of its laws and practices. The reason why this conflict supervenes over the understanding and accommodation which has existed between the secular State and religion, derives, it is argued, from an estrangement, on both sides of the conflict, from fundamental Jewish values. The discussion was held between Mr Mark Moshinsky and Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen in a seminar of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Mark  Moshinsky
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Jewish Identity

A discussion:  Israel: state and religion - Part I

Israel: state and religion A discussion One of the most poignant difficulties of our time is the struggle between brothers � between religious and secular Jews � in Israel today. The issue has several dimensions. There is first of all an acknowledgment that until very recently and basically extending into the present, a status quo has existed between the secular state and Judaism, which has protected Judaism, reciprocated by an halachic modus operandi with the state. The conflict arises through a departure from the spirit of the accommodation which existed hitherto into a new rhetoric of the �separation of religion and state�. Notions of �freedom of, or from, religion��, emerge to conflict with traditional concept of the spiritual integrity of the Jewish people through the public protection of its laws and practices. The reason why this conflict supervenes over the understanding and accommodation which has existed between the secular State and religion, derives, it is argued, from an estrangement, on both sides of the conflict, from fundamental Jewish values. The discussion was held between Mr Mark Moshinsky and Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen in a seminar of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Mark  Moshinsky
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Jewish Identity

A comparison of international law and traditional Jewish approaches:  The Arab-Israeli Conflict - Part I

The following discussion presents a point of view of international law on the Arab-Israeli conflict, as documented by Mr Jonathan Wenig, with a response to its tenets from the standpoint of Jewish tradition by Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen. The point at issue is the secular notion that sovereign states make or voluntarily subscribe to laws and processes of adjudication versus the Torah view of universal norms of conduct. The second is between legal concepts of the Palestinians� claim to statehood and the Torah�s view of the intrinsic relationship of the Jewish people to the land. The third has to do with the mode of action in international conflict: mutual negotiation as the source of resolution and the halachic ruling as a guide to practical dealing. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Jonathan  Wenig
Israel > Politics
Peace Process

A comparison of international law and traditional Jewish approaches:  The Arab-Israeli Conflict - Part II

The following discussion presents a point of view of international law on the Arab-Israeli conflict, as documented by Mr Jonathan Wenig, with a response to its tenets from the standpoint of Jewish tradition by Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen. The point at issue is the secular notion that sovereign states make or voluntarily subscribe to laws and processes of adjudication versus the Torah view of universal norms of conduct. The second is between legal concepts of the Palestinians� claim to statehood and the Torah�s view of the intrinsic relationship of the Jewish people to the land. The third has to do with the mode of action in international conflict: mutual negotiation as the source of resolution and the halachic ruling as a guide to practical dealing. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Jonathan  Wenig
Israel > Politics
Peace Process

A Symposium :  Zionism and Its Awareness of the Jewish Past

A Symposium held on the occasion of the 13th Convention of the Historical Society of Israel in December 1967, featured Prof. Yaacov Katz, Prof. Benjamin Eliav, Prof. Shmuel Ettinger, and Prof. Eliezer Schweid. [Full article...]
By: Eliezer Schweid

Sharonah's history classes:  The Ten Lost Tribes: When Dreams Die

In times of trouble, the Jewish people have held steadfastly to their myths.. One of these is the ten Lost Tribes, whose discovery will supposedly guarantee the coming of the Messiah. It is intertwined with the very idea of Jewish solidarity, a postulate which Sharonah questions. In today�s class, Sharonah unleashes a no-holds barred attack against those who preach Jewish solidarity, but do not practice it. Watch out for the barbs! [Full article...]
By: Marcelo Kisilevski Sharonah Fredericko
Jews Around the World > Lost Tribes

Purification and Pluralism:  One Voice...Many Listeners

Despite the undeniable historical sense of solidarity which has always characterized the Jewish people, chinks have appeared in the armor: the experience is real, but certain segments of Judaism are unwilling to admit others into the club, based on the very particular interpretation of Who is a Jew? In this article, Mark Lazar looks at the Jewish mosaic in all its complexity, and makes a plea for tolerance that should be heard. [Full article...]
By: Mark Lazar
Judaism > Streams of Judaism

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