Resources and articles on Artistic Expressions


Laughing is a serious matter: Why Jews Laugh at Themselves
The Jewish joke has a serious - and surprising - pedigree, and bears an instructive relation to Jewish tradition. [Full article...]By: Hillel Halkin
Artistic Expressions
Judaism > Jewish Texts
Jews in the Modern World: Jewish Nationalism and Emancipation (1897-1899)
If the cause of anti-Semitism is the existence of the Jews as a nationality, its effect is to make this nationality more tangible for the Jews, to make them more aware of the fact that they are a people. [Full article...]By: Bernard Lazare
Artistic Expressions
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zion in the Sources: Yearning for Zion
Have you ever wondered where the world 'zion' actually comes from? This article explores Zion in the Bible, aggadot, customs and laws, ancient and modern poetry, and through the Zionist movement itself. [Full article...]By: Briana Simon
Artistic Expressions
Jewish History > @ Beginnings of time - 70: Biblical Age
Judaism > Jewish Texts
Israeli Dancing: Shall we Dance?
Can any of us forget the famous scene of Israelis spontaneously streaming out to the streets of Tel Aviv to dance the hora as Ben Gurion reads the Proclamation of the new State of Israel from the halls of the Tel Aviv Museum? Since that very night, folk dancing has become a staple of the Israeli lifestyle. I have yet to meet an Israeli, religious or secular, from North Tel Aviv or Bnei Brak, new immigrant or veteran who doesn't know even the most basic steps of this liberal dance genre. [Full article...]By: Ilene Bloch-Levy
Artistic Expressions
Artistic Expressions > Music
Events and Activities Ideas: Bezelel (Art/Design) Institute Founded - January 16, 1906
Hey want a six-pack? What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel�s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel. [Full article...]By: 12th House
Artistic Expressions
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Jews and Intellectual Pastimes: Judaism and Chess
For the author of this article, the Jewish inclination towards the most revered of all board games is not mere coincidence, but the result of intellectual and cultural factors which designates chess as a game perfectly suited to Jewish historical development. It is a challenging look at our own philosophical roots and an analysis of just how those roots come to the forefront, even in a light-hearted sense. [Full article...]By: Gustavo Perednik
Artistic Expressions
Judaism > Cholent: Little bit O' this, Little bit O' that
Does Jewish Art Really Exist in the Diaspora: A Delicate Balance: Jewish Aesthetics and Art
Israel has always been accused of relative self-centeredness regarding its relations with the Diaspora. One of the primary reasons for this attitude-a reason which is less and less convincing with every passing day-is that there is no real Jewish artistic production in the Diaspora, everything that occurs there is a mere reflection of what happens in Israel. In order to better understand this polemic, Judith Grosgold analyzes the basic underlying question: just what do we mean precisely by "Jewish culture"? [Full article...]By: Judith Fraenkel Grosgold
Artistic Expressions
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