Resources and articles on International Relations

Is this a Legitimate Discussion?:  A Country in Question

Why after so many years since the establishment of the State of Israel, is this question even being brought up? Is is because it is related to the Jews, the Middle East, to the Europeans and the Holocaust, to world politics or to Israeli policies... The issue is more complex then ever. [Full article...]
By: Adi Schwartz
International Relations
Israel > Advocacy

Interview with Martin Indyk, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel:  "Keep Syria and Iran Out of Negotiations Over Lebanon"

As the fighting between Israel and Hizballah rages on, Middle East expert Martin S. Indyk asses the role of Syria and Iran, the possiblity of a ceasefire, the role of an international force, and the possible endgame to this crisis in this interview with Bernard Gwertzman, consulting editor for the Council on Foreign Relations ( [Full article...]
By:  Council on Foreign Relations
International Relations
Peace Process > Terrorism

July 14, 2006:  Statement to the U.N. Security Council by Ambassador Dan Gillerman, Permanent Representative of Israel

In Ambassador Dan Gillermans' address to the UN Security Council, he outlines the dimensions of the conflict with Lebanon: Hizballah's kidnapping of two IDF soldiers from within Israel's sovereign borders constitutes a casus belli. Israel holds the Lebanese authorities responsible for harboring a militant terrorist group like Hizballah, yet Israel recognizes that Hizballah is a proxy of Syrian and Iranian interests which do not include the promotion of prosperity and growth in Lebanon. [Full article...]
By: Dan Gillerman
International Relations
Israel > Politics

Statements regarding the current confrontation with Hizballah:  Address by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to the Knesset - July 17, 2006

The current conflagration with Hizballah was unsolicited by Israel, and was initiated at a time when hostilities between Israel and Hamas were culminating over the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. In this speech to the Knesset regarding the two-front war with Hizballah in the north and Hamas in the south, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert affirms the determination and resilience of the Israeli people and the Israeli army to withstand and defend itself from the threats inflicted upon it. [Full article...]
By: Ehud Olmert
International Relations
Israel > Politics


There�s no question of the pivotal role played by the media in the current Middle East conflict. The images flashed around the world have crystallized international opinion and perceptions of both Palestinian and Israeli behavior. What is in doubt, however, is how the journalists who shape that opinion go about their business in this volatile and often dangerous climate. [Full article...]
By: Judy Lash Balint
International Relations
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Jerusalem
Israel > Politics
Media and the Press
Peace Process

New York, 23 September 2004:  Address to the United Nations 59th General Assembly by Silvan Shalom, deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs

The United Nations was established out of the devastation of World War Two in order to build a world of unity and of peace. Today, sixty years after this organization came into being, we must ask ourselves: What are we united for and what are we united against? Are we united for peace and security? Are we united for fairness and justice? Are we united against terror? Are we united against tyranny? Or are we, sadly, united only in cynical and immoral majority votes, that make a mockery of the noble ideals on which this body was founded. [Full article...]
By: Silvan Shalom
International Relations
Israel > Politics
Official Documents

Iranian judoka boycotts his Israeli counterpart:  Olympic Dreams and Nightmares

Iranian judoka Arash Mirashmaeli boycotts his Israeli counterpart, using the "death by chocolate" excuse, but Israel has the last laugh, winning a bronze medal, and later, taking gold in the mistral windsurfing competition. [Full article...]
By: Ted Lapkin
International Relations

Women Zionists:  Golda Meir (1898-1978)

I believe we will have peace with our neighbors. But I am certain that if Israel is not strong there will not be peace.� [Full article...]
By: Rochelle Mass
International Relations
Israel > Politics
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Women
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Women in Israel:  National Report on the Status of Women in Israel

In this report, you will find the details of this progress in legislation, in initiatives taken by the Knesset Committee for the Advancement of the Status of women, and in the many activities by women's groups and organizations and by the Authority for the Advancement of the Status of Women in Israel since the Beijing Conference in 1995. [Full article...]
International Relations
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Women

Judeophobia:  Europe's Trademark

The claim that the alleged danger of Judeophobia is an excuse to �silence anti-Israel criticism,� signifies a total shut down of warning systems against this worrying phenomenon. [Full article...]
By: Gustavo Perednik
International Relations

The Bergsonites' Mission:  Rescuing Jews

On October 6, 1943, two days before Yom Kippur, 400 rabbis marched toward the White House calling attention to the plight of their European Jewish brethren, slaughtered systematically by the Nazis. [Full article...]
By: Batsheva Pomerantz
International Relations

How the Arabs Convinced the World that Zionism is Racism:  Politics

Why are the Arabs able to make a compelling argument that Zionism is racism and what can be done about this? [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
International Relations
Israel > Advocacy
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Why Zionism is not Racism:  Nationalism

Among the many casualties of the renewed Mideast violence is the term "Zionism." Whereas it once epitomized idealism, romanticism, and the best of nationalism to millions of Jews and non-Jews, Zionism today is politically incorrect. [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
International Relations
Israel > Advocacy
Peace Process
Peace Process > The Palestinians

The Status of Jerusalem Around the World:  Represented in Jerusalem

As Israel gets ready to celebrate Jerusalem Day, commemorating the reunification of the city 36 years ago, most nations of the world still consider Jerusalem to be in� a special category��neither the symbolic nor administrative capital of Israel. [Full article...]
By: Judy Lash Balint
International Relations
Israel > Jerusalem
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Yom Yerushalayim

US Involvement in the Peace Process:  A Fleeting Interest

Barak Barfi argues that the Bush Administration's renewed engagement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be short lived. [Full article...]
By: Barak Barfi
International Relations
Peace Process

Events and Activities Ideas:  Israel-Vatican Relations Established - December 20, 1993

As the home of three of the great world religions, it’s hard to believe that it would be more than 40 years after the inception of the State of Israel for the Vatican to establish diplomatic relations. As a result of the Madrid Peace Conference and the beginning of the Arab-Israeli peace talks, the Vatican moved to being diplomatic relations with Israel. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
International Relations

Events and Activities Ideas:  United Nations Day - October 24, 2002

It was a spring day in San Francisco in 1945 when the fifty founding nations met to finalize the Charter of the United Nations. Just a few months after the conclusion of World War II, on October 24, 1945, the United Nations Charter was put into effect forming the UN and its mandate. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
International Relations

Events and Activities Ideas:  Asylum Granted to the Vietnamese Boat People - June 26, 1977

While many will challenge that Zionism is exclusive to only the needs and interests of the Jews, it is important that we recognize Israel’s contributions to other peoples in need. As a once persecuted and victimized people of a time not too long ago, we understand and remember with vigilance. [Full article...]
By: 12th House 
International Relations

Middle East Conflict:  The Saudi Initiative: What Does It Mean?

In war and peace, as in love and courtship, timing and mode of expression are usually just as important as the message itself. [Full article...]
By: Paul Scham
International Relations
Peace Process

Recently Revived Ancient Civilisations:  Bridges Between China and Israel

At first sight, it is difficult to imagine two nations more different to each other than China and Israel. China is four hundred times Israel’s size and two hundred times its population. One is the heart of Asia; the other a bridge between West and East. However, China and Israel have many characteristics in common. Here follow seven similarities. [Full article...]
By: Gustavo Perednik
International Relations

古斯塔沃 佩雷德尼克,耶路撒冷:  Bridges Between China and Israel (Chinese Version)

中以两国差别极大。论面积,中国比以色列大400倍;论人口,中国比以色列多200倍;中国乃亚洲的中心,而以色列是东西方连接点。尽管如此,中以间仍有许多共同之处,特此条列七点: [Full article...]
By: Gustavo Perednik
International Relations

War On Terror:  Back To The Basics

Aryeh Tepper, in his latest article, views the US strategy on its war against terror as playing into the hands of the enemy. A plan based on Western Democratic values cannot address the complexities of fundamentalism. [Full article...]
By: Aryeh Tepper
International Relations
Peace Process > Terrorism

World Conference against Racism:  Statement by Rabbi Michael Melchior, Deputy Foreign Minister of the State of Israel

Statement by Rabbi Michael Melchior, Deputy Foreign Minister of the State of Israel, at the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. Delivered by Ambassador Mordecai Yedid, Head of Israeli Delegation. Durban - September 3, 2001 [Full article...]
By: Michael  Melchior
International Relations

The World Zionist Organization Background Document:  The World Conference Against Racism

U.N. member states and representatives of Non Governmental Organizations will convene in Durban, South Africa, from August 31st to September 8th, for the Third U.N. World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (WCAR), under the aegis of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mrs. Mary Robinson. The first two conferences took place in 1978 and 1983. [Full article...]
By: Yehuda Weinraub
International Relations

On the front line:  The Arab Boycott: Economic War Against the State of Israel

During the first thirty years of Israel�s existence, the Arab boycott had a devastating effect on Israel�s economy. Many large multinationals succumbed to boycott pressure, refusing to do business with the Jewish state. And despite its current lack of effectiveness, the issue of the economic boycott is one again taking center stage in the current round of confrontations. [Full article...]
By: Julian Schvindlerman
International Relations
Peace Process

Pope John Paul II in Israel:  The Vatican and the Holocaust

On the occasion of His Holiness the Pope�s visit to Israel, it is worthwhile to reflect upon the overall state of relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the Jewish people. In recent times, the Church has requested a historical "pardon" from various communities, the Jews among them. Forgiveness is begged for sins committed by the "church faithful", but not by the Church itself. Regarding the particular role of the Vatican during the Holocaust, all references made to this point have been quite vague�while in other instances almost vindicating the actions of Pope Pius II. We are at the very beginning of the long road to reconciliation. [Full article...]
By: Julian Schvindlerman
International Relations

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