Resources and Articles by 12th House

Events and Activities Ideas:
Technion Founded - February 9, 1925
Hey want a six-pack?
What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Bezelel (Art/Design) Institute Founded - January 16, 1906
Hey want a six-pack?
What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel�s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel.
Artistic Expressions
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Jewish National Fund Founded - December 29, 1901
In 1901, the fifth Zionist Congress met in Basel, Switzerland to further explore the Jewish issue. On the fifth day of the Congress, there was heavy debate about the establishment of a national fund to purchase land in Palestine.
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Yahrzeit for Eliezer Ben-Yehuda - December 21, 1922
The dream...the revival of the ancient language of Hebrew as a modern language for the New Jewish State. This was the dream of Eliezer Ben Yehuda and thus he dedicated himself to the rebirth of the nation of Israel in its own land, speaking its own language.
Jewish Languages
Events and Activities Ideas:
Israel-Vatican Relations Established - December 20, 1993
As the home of three of the great world religions, it’s hard to believe that it would be more than 40 years after the inception of the State of Israel for the Vatican to establish diplomatic relations. As a result of the Madrid Peace Conference and the beginning of the Arab-Israeli peace talks, the Vatican moved to being diplomatic relations with Israel.
International Relations
Events and Activities Ideas:
US Election Day - November 2002
Annually, during the month of November, Americans go to vote as an exercise of their democratic freedom. While all too often those who live in the free democratic world take these basic rights for granted, it is important to note that most people around the world do not have these fundamental freedoms.
Events and Activities Ideas:
Palestine Post Founded (Jerusalem Post Founded) - December 1, 1932
Founded by American journalist-turned-newspaper-editor, Gershon Agron, the Palestine Post released its first issue on December 1, 1932. In 1950, the Palestine Post changed its name to the Jerusalem Post. Within a short period of time, this English language newspaper would become one of the world’s most influential news publications.
Media and the Press
Events and Activities Ideas:
Channkah - November 30, 2002 - December 7, 2002
On the twenty-fifth day of Kislev, the Jewish people light the candles of the menorah to commemorate the victory of the Jews against the Assyrians. The courage and resistance of the Maccabees and their allies to fight against the Assyrians kept the Jewish people alive and allowed the Jewish traditions to continue.
Holidays with a Twist
Events and Activities Ideas:
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine Accepted - November 29, 1947
Resolution 181 called for the creation of two independent states within the
land of Palestine - a Jewish State and an Arab State with an international
enclave around Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
Official Documents
Events and Activities Ideas:
Start of Operation Magic Carpet - November 8, 1949
The primary goal of the State of Israel is to be the safe homeland of all
Jews. This was best portrayed in its secret national projects to bring
distressed Jewish communities "home" to Israel.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Kristallnacht- "Night of Broken Glass" - November 9, 1938 Kristallnacht - 'the night of broken glass" - represents a key event
in the emergence of Nazi hate and the Holocaust. Kristallnacht was the "wake
up" call to Eastern European Jewry.
Events and Activities Ideas:
Anwar Sadat's Historic Jerusalem Visit - November 7, 1977
To this day, the governments and people of Israel and Egypt remain at peace. If not for the bravery and vision of Anwar Sadat, peace might not have been a reality in the Middle East.
Peace Process
Events and Activities Ideas:
Tel Aviv University Founded - November 4, 1964
Hey want a six-pack?
What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Weitzman Institute Founded - November 2, 1949
Hey want a six-pack?
What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Balfour Declaration Day - November 2, 1917
"His Majesty’s Government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
Official Documents
Events and Activities Ideas:
Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin - November 4, 1995
November 4, 1995, represents one of the darkest days in Israel�s short but rich history. It was on this day that Prime Minster Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated.
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
United Nations Day - October 24, 2002
It was a spring day in San Francisco in 1945 when the fifty founding nations met to finalize the Charter of the United Nations. Just a few months after the conclusion of World War II, on October 24, 1945, the United Nations Charter was put into effect forming the UN and its mandate.
International Relations
Events and Activities Ideas:
David Ben-Gurion's Birthday - October 16, 1886
On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the State of Israel a sovereign and independence nation. While there were thousands who are to be credited for the establishment of the Jewish State, the most famous among them is David Ben-Gurion.
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Kibbutz Deganya Founded - September 26, 1910
It is hard to believe that is has been 90 years since the establishment of the first Kibbutz, Kibbutz Deganya. During its 90th anniversary celebration, we were reminded that Deganya was the "First Home in the Homeland".
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Succot - September 21 - 27, 2002
During Sukkot, we remember the 40 years of wandering in the desert following the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. From bondage to freedom to wandering in the desert, it was a time when our people were literally “homeless”. Were it not for the bonds and values of community, our people would not have survived this period.
Holidays with a Twist
Events and Activities Ideas:
Camp David Peace Accords - September 17, 1978
In 1978, under the watchful eye of President Jimmy Carter and the United States, the Egyptians and Israelis met to begin the arduous process of peace negotiations. A tentative peace agreement was drafted at Camp David.
Peace Process
Events and Activities Ideas:
Anwar Sadat Assassinated - October 6, 1981
On October 6, 1981, about three years after making peace with Israel, President Sadat was assassinated by Muslim extremists during an annual military parade celebrating the “successful” campaigns of the 1973 Egypt-Israeli conflict. President Sadat was saluting the troops when a small group of them ran from one vehicle in the parade and started firing machine guns and throwing grenades in the stands.
Peace Process
Events and Activities Ideas:
Meeting of the First Zionist Congress - August 29, 1897
During the summer of 1898 in Basel, Switzerland, Theodor Herzl called
together the leading 200 Jewish and Zionist thinkers of the time to participate
in the first Zionist Congress. The Congress was convened with the primary goal
of "demonstrating to the world what Zionism is and what it wants." In
addition, the Congress was created to organize all the Zionist ideologies under
one movement, a political movement.
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Bar Ilan University Founded - August 7, 1955
Hey want a six-pack?
What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Exodus Ship Incident - August 2, 1947
After World War II, as tensions mounted in Palestine between the Jewish settlers and Arabs, the British Government attempted to appease the Arab citizens by limiting the immigration of Jews to Palestine. British authorities would detain ships and send them back to their ports of origin within Europe in an attempt to stop the illegal immigration. Since remaining in Europe meant certain death for many of these immigrants, illegal immigration to Palestine increased.
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Asylum Granted to the Vietnamese Boat People - June 26, 1977
While many will challenge that Zionism is exclusive to only the needs and interests of the Jews, it is important that we recognize Israel’s contributions to other peoples in need. As a once persecuted and victimized people of a time not too long ago, we understand and remember with vigilance.
International Relations
Events and Activities Ideas:
Marc Chagall's Birthday - July 7, 1887
It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Through his artistic mastery, Marc Chagall was able to portray the Jewish people and the Jewish spirit.
Artistic Expressions
Events and Activities Ideas:
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel Founded - June 8, 1954
If one were to remove the political and religious tensions that make up the day-to-day reality of Israel and look purely at the land, one would find an extremely beautiful nation. Israel is a nation with a rich mix of landscapes, environmental regions and unique species of plants and animals. For all this beauty and distinctiveness, there needs to be a guardian, and that organization is the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI).
Judaism and the Environment
Events and Activities Ideas:
Operation Solomon - May 24, 1991
Under complete secrecy, Operation Moses launched on November 19, 1984 and ended six short weeks later on January 5, 1985. During that period, some 8,000 Ethiopian Jews arrived in Israel via Sudan. The mission was not without its complications. Media leaks were partially to blame for the premature ending of the mission. As a result, the Sudanese government was pressured by the Arab nations to stop support for the program.
Because of the premature ending to the Operation Moses, almost 15,000 Jews, or two thirds of the Beta Israel, were left behind in Ethiopia.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Magen David Adom Founded - June 1, 1930
The Magen David Adom is the second line of defense in Israel, providing all the emergency medical services in times of war and peace. In 1930, seven Israeli doctors formed a small one room emergency service in Tel Aviv. This service would take the name, Magen David Adom (MDA) for �Red Star of David�. A second operation would open in Haifa in 1931, followed by another in Jerusalem in 1934.
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Yahrzeit of Eli Cohen - May 18, 1965
Was it possible for one man to befriend the highest echelons of the Syrian government and help Israel gain the necessary intelligence to beat the Syrians in the Six Day War in 1967? The answer - yes, and the man that made it all happen was Israeli Mossad agent Eli Cohen.
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Israel Declares Independence - May 14, 1948
On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion stood before the masses gathered in Tel Aviv and declared Israel's independence. Years of Zionist dreams culminated in this moment - Israel announcing to the world that she was once again to be a free state.
Unfortunately, less than 24 hours after Ben-Gurion's announcement, the neighboring Arab nations attacked and sent Israel into her first war as an independent nation. The Jewish state survived the attack, but it cost the country many lives.
Holidays with a Twist
Yom Ha'atzmaut
Events and Activities Ideas:
Israel Joins the United Nations - May 11, 1949
There are few nations of the world that can claim legitimacy like Israel. As a result of United Nations Resolution 181, the international community of nations, under the auspices of the newly formed United Nations, moved to divide the British mandate of Palestine into two nations: a Jewish State and an Arab State.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Yom Yerushalayim - May 9, 2002
Holidays with a Twist
Yom Yerushalayim
Events and Activities Ideas:
Yahrzeit of Mordechai Anielewicz - May 8, 1943
Despite the utter darkness of the Nazi Holocaust, occasionally there were glimpses of light, and moments for which the Jewish people can stand up and be proud. For the people of the Warsaw Ghetto, Mordechai Anielewicz was that ray of light. At the young age of 23, Mordechai rose to lead and inspire the largest resistance uprising against the Holocaust and the Nazis.
Events and Activities Ideas:
Haifa University Founded - April 30, 1963
Hey want a six-pack?
What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel’s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Entebbe Rescue Operation - July 4 1976
One of the founding principles of the State of Israel was to be the homeland and protector of the Jewish people. This mandate was once again tested in the spring of 1976 when an Air France airplane traveling from Israel to Paris was hijacked. The aircraft refueled in Libya and then landed in Entebbe, Uganda in central Africa.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Passover - March 28, 2002 - April 4, 2002
Each year, Jewish families all over the world gather to recount the story of
our ancestor's exodus from Egypt. This story reminds us that we were once an
enslaved people that yearned for release from bondage. It also reminds us that
from the chains of bondage, our nation, the Jewish nation, was formed.
Holidays with a Twist
Events and Activities Ideas:
Hebrew University Founded - April 14, 1925
Hey want a six-pack?
What a great experience! Spend a semester abroad studying at one of Israel�s six universities and earn college credit for it. Spend time exploring your roots, forwarding your academic career and celebrating your heritage in Israel.
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
First Maccabia Games in Tel Aviv - March 28, 1932
Known as the Olympics of the Jews, every four years Jewish athletes from all
over the world gather to compete in a wide array of athletic events. The goal of
the Maccabia games is to "promote the physical strength of the Jewish people
while fostering a sense of nationalism among Jewish athletes."
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Kol Israel Founded - March 20, 1936
Before the days of television, cable and the Internet, there was radio. During the years of the British Mandate and the early years after independence, radio would play a major role in communications throughout the land.
Media and the Press
Events and Activities Ideas:
Women's History Month - Rosh Chodesh - March 2002
The day of the new moon-- Rosh Chodesh-- is the name given to the first day
of any new month on the Jewish calendar. The lunar cycle plays a critical role
in the marking of the holidays and cycles of nature for the Jewish people.
Jewish History
This Month in Jewish History
Jewish Calendar
Events and Activities Ideas:
Shabbat Zachor - March 2002 - 13 Adar
Shabbat Zachor is the Shabbat of Remembrance. It dedicates a Shabbat to our Jewish brethren suffering around the world. For the most part, these are Jews experiencing political oppression for the simple fact that they are Jews.
Jews Around the World
Holidays with a Twist
Events and Activities Ideas:
International Women's Day - March 8, 2002
Nowhere in the world can women truly claim that they have the same rights and opportunities of their male counterparts. On March 8th each year, this important day is reserved as an opportunity for women the world over to have their issues heard. While the message is sent, it is not always received in many countries.
Events and Activities Ideas:
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - April 19 1943
Throughout the ghettos of Nazi Europe, the Jews tried to organize resistance against the Germans. The arms for these resistance efforts came from weapons smuggled into the ghettos and homemade weapons. From 1941 to 1943, over 100 Jewish resistance groups fought back. The most famous of these resistance movements against the Nazis came from the young fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto.
Events and Activities Ideas:
Lag B'Omer - April 30 2002
The 33rd day of the Omer celebrates the ending of a plague that besieged the students of Rabbi Akiva during the second century. In all 24,000 would perish from this horrific plague.
Holidays with a Twist
Lag B'Omer
Events and Activities Ideas:
Yahrzeit for Henrietta Szold - February 13 1945
When one considers the great female leaders of the Zionist movement, it is very hard not to think of Henrietta Szold. Her contributions to Israel, Zionism, youth and world Jewry are unparalleled. She was an educator, author, social worker, leader and founder of Hadassah. Her achievements are a mark of excellence, success and a model to live by.
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Golda Meir Becomes Prime Minister of Israel - February 26 1969
When considering the great female leaders of the 20th century, it is impossible to leave out Golda Meir. Golda�s contributions in building and running the State of Israel cannot be understated. Golda Meir is a shining example of feminism and inspiration for women.
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Operation Moses - February 26 1985
Isolated for centuries from the rest of the Jewish world, Jewish communities existed in the northern providence of Gondar in Ethiopia. They called themselves the Beta Israel � the House of Israel.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Jews Around the World
Lost Tribes
Events and Activities Ideas:
Purim - February 26 2002
Purim is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the miraculous salvation of the Jews recorded in the Book of Esther during the period of the Babylonian exile. As the Book of Esther tells us, King Achashveirosh had an advisor, Haman, who plotted to kill the Jews. His plans were foiled by the efforts of the righteous Mordechai and Esther.
Holidays with a Twist
Events and Activities Ideas:
Jewish Telegraphic Agency Founded - February 6 1917
At the end of World War One, a young 25-year-old journalist, Jacob Landau, had a revelation. He realized that what happens in a country also impacts more than just the citizens of that nation - that a country’s destiny was closely related to the destiny of its neighboring countries.
Media and the Press
Events and Activities Ideas:
Tu B'Shvat - January 28 2002
On the 15th day of the month of Shvat on the Jewish calendar, we celebrate Tu B’Shevat or the “new year for the trees.” Tu B’Shevat is the time of the year when we remember our unique connection between Judaism and nature. It is a reminder that spring and the fresh fruits of the harvest are not too far off.
Holidays with a Twist
Tu Bishvat
Events and Activities Ideas:
Founding of WOJAC - January 25 1976
In 1975, the World Organization of Jews of Arab Countries (WOJAC) was founded in Paris. WOJAC offered representation for the other Middle East refugee situation - that of Jews from Arab lands.
Jews Around the World
Events and Activities Ideas:
David Ben-Gurion Elected Prime Minster - January 25 1949
On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the State of Israel a sovereign and independence nation. While there were thousands who are to be credited for the establishment of the Jewish State, the most famous among them is David Ben-Gurion.
Jewish History
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. - January 15 1929
Each year on January 15th, the nation takes time to remember and celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. While it has been over 30 years since the assassination of one of the most famous and instrumental leaders of the 20th century, we take the time to honor a man whose pursuit of justice and equality helped to shape the direction of the United States as a nation where all people are viewed as equal regardless of their race, color, or religion.
Museums and Memorials
Events and Activities Ideas:
Dreyfus Affair - January 5th 1895
There is no question that the Dreyfus Affair was a major turning point in how Jews saw themselves within their host nations in the late 1800�s. This was truly a scandal that included the highest echelons of government and the church. This event underlines the strong anti-Semitic attitudes and feelings of the time and can be thought of as a catalyst for the Zionist movement.
Jewish History
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra Founded - January 7th 1939
Israel is one of the most active centers of musical activity from classical to folk to modern music as a result of its immigrant roots. Music has always had a place in the cultural life of the Jews of Palestine after World War I.
However, it wouldn't be until the 1930's that music would become a major professional occupation with the influx of thousands of composers, students, instrumentalists, singers and music lovers fleeing from Nazi Europe.
Artistic Expressions
Events and Activities Ideas:
Yom Ha'atzmaut - April 17th 2002
On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion stood before the masses gathered in Tel Aviv and declared Israel’s independence. Years of Zionist dreams culminated in this moment - Israel announcing to the world that she was once again to be a free state.
Holidays with a Twist
Yom Ha'atzmaut
Events and Activities Ideas:
Yom Hashoah - April 9th 2002
Between 1938 and 1945, the Nazis destroyed over eleven million lives throughout Europe, six million of them Jewish. On Yom Hashoah, we remember those who gave their lives because of their heritage, tradition, and beliefs. While the Jews of Europe were defenseless against the Nazi regime, many held on to their faith up until the last moments of their lives. Every year on Yom HaShoah we remember the martyrs who sanctified the name of God in the camps, the ghettos, and in the gas chambers.
Holidays with a Twist
Yom Hashoah
Events and Activities Ideas:
Theodor Herzl Publishes The Jewish State - February 14th 1896
Herzl, a writer and a statesman, founded national Zionism and the World Zionist Organization, which elevated the Jewish problem to an international political subject of primary importance. It was the Dreyfus case that awakened in him national Jewish feeling and brought him to the conclusion that the Jewish problem could only be solved by political means. The concept of emergence from the Diaspora and return to Zion found expression in his book "Der Judenstaat" or "The Jewish State", which was written in 1896.
1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Essential Zionist Texts
Events and Activities Ideas:
Masada Falls to Romans - April 73 (CE)
For anyone who has traveled to Israel, it is likely that they have visited
the ancient fortress of Masada. Rising above the shores of the Dead Sea and
situated over an isolated rock cliff, this ancient fortress is a testament to
the determination of those who fought and perished there.
Jewish History
0070 - 0600: Talmudic Age
Events and Activities Ideas:
Yom Hazikaron - April 16th 2002
The day before Israeli Independence Day is set aside as a day of remembrance.
Its date was chosen to remind us that in order to be a free country, many had to
give their lives.
Holidays with a Twist
Yom Hazikaron