Resources and articles on Education

So much said and so much yet to be said: Historiographical Issues in Conveying Herzl�s Legacy
Within the history of Zionism itself every ideological and political stream had its own Herzl, always designed in its own image. [Full article...]By: Gideon Shimoni
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Zionism > Zionism Revisited
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Feature Organization: Gevanim Center for Community Diversity
Gevanim Center for Community Diversity (GCCD) is an Israeli registered non-profit association established in September 2001. GCCD's multidisciplinary staff develops culturally sensitive early childhood education and parents programs for communities in transition - Ethiopian, Bukharan, Caucasian, Arab and Bedouin. [Full article...]By: Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations
Herzl and Me: A Visit to Altneuland and its Relevance to the Teaching of Israel Today
In the face of all that is wrong with Israel today, it is important for us to remind ourselves of what it is that the Zionist movement set out to do, and, as teachers of Israel, to go "back to the basics" in conveying Israel's story to our students. Altneuland provides us the opportunity to do that. [Full article...]By: David Breakstone
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Glorious Past, Uncertain Future: Youth Movements in Israel
Whereas the diaspora movements were built on hopes and dreams, the members who actually moved to Eretz Israel set about actively trying to bring those hopes to fruition. [Full article...]By: Carl Schrag
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase > Army
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Youth: On Zionist Youth Movements
Plaut examines what the role of Zionist youth movements should be in encouraging aliyah. [Full article...]By: Steven Plaut
Aliyah InfoBase > Aliyah Preparation
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Israel's Youth Movements: Living their Ideals
Israel is a society well aware of the importance of creating a nurturing environment that prepares its youth to be responsible, caring adults, "working for the good of others." [Full article...]By: Beth Uval
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Zionism > Zionism Revisited
Israel Advocacy and Zionist Education: Reframing Zionism on Campus
In the fight for Israel on campus, Yanai recommends a broader Israel education focus over a single-minded effort to defend Israel in the political arena. [Full article...]By: Shachar Yanai
Israel > Advocacy
Israel Programs
Media and the Press
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Religious Zionism: Education and Ideology
The messianic-nationalist emotionalism or hyper-emotionalism of Gush Emunim speaks to many religious Israelis who have found that the standard religious framework in which they have grown up and of which they are a part has become routinized and institutionalized and thereby devoid of personal meaning and significance. [Full article...]By: Lawrence Kaplan
Zionism > Religious Zionism
Education in a Youth Movement Setting: Indoctrination Vs. Education
Indoctrination versus education is one of those dilemmas that is often neglected as a debate in the Youth Movements. As an introduction to the issue, Anton Marks attempts to shed some light on the responsibility of madrichim and the importance of placing the matter firmly on their agenda. [Full article...]By: Anton Marks
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Impressions and Reflections from the January Seminars in Kiev and Moscow: Jewish Atlantis
The history and impact of the Holocaust in the Former Soviet Union has been largely ignored. Andrei Shapiro discusses the ramifications of this and an educational initiative working to create change. [Full article...]By: Andrei Shapiro
Jews Around the World
Remembering and Remembrance : The Future of the Holocaust
As Holocaust survivors are dying out, the question of how to understand and imagine an event which is beyond understanding and beyond imagining becomes a more relevant issue. Andrei Shapiro explains. [Full article...]By: Andrei Shapiro
Judaism > Jewish Identity
A Visit to Poland: A Voyage to Zionism
This trip during summer break was not meant for fun and relaxation. It was the massa l'Polin, Hebrew for "voyage to Poland", undertaken by thousands of Israeli students in their senior year. [Full article...]By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Museums and Memorials
Activity: Processing and Educating on the Current Crises in the Middle East
Activity to help process the thoughts and feelings of participants in regard to the current situation and to help think out educational goals and rationales that would be considered in not only hands-on activities and materials for youth and young adults, but would be considered also in day to day contact with parents and youth in the areas of recruitment and truly informal 'discussions' about the current situation. [Full article...]By: Mark Lazar
Peace Process
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
Poland and Israel one half century after the Holocaust: Poland - An educational and inspirational experience?
Many people have criticized the constant flux of Zionist oriented students between Poland and Israel as a failed attempt to instill Jewish identity in today�s disaffected youth via the "scare tactics" of the Holocaust. This article presents an objective educational vision of the entire process as an important component in the creation of an activist oriented, pro-Zionist outlook. [Full article...]By: Daniel Rose
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Information about informal education: Informal Education/Hadracha in Israel
Many people choose to make a career in informal education, simply by working in the field for several years and becoming familiar with the workings of various organizations and finding the niche that suits them. [Full article...]By: Yael Unterman
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
How to choose an Israel Program: Pro CHOICE or Pro GRAM
Most of us asked friends and sometimes even family. But this is it: After hours of deliberation you have finally decided to take some time off from school and spend it in Israel. Now the only question is what is, "What should I do?" [Full article...]By: Eli Birnbaum
Israel Programs
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