Resources and articles on Israel

Israeli Arabs
Israeli Society
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Teaching Israel

An Inherent Inconsistency?:  A Jewish Democratic State

Alongside the dispute regarding the Middle East conflict and forming a substantial part of it, the arguments regarding the Jewish and democratic character of the State of Israel is flourishing. This article brings to you the an analysis that refutes any allegations to the discriminative nature of State of Israel stemming from these characteristics. [Full article...]
By: Gadi Taub
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

An Inherent Inconsistency?:  A Jewish Democratic State

Alongside the dispute regarding the Middle East conflict and forming a substantial part of it, the arguments regarding the Jewish and democratic character of the State of Israel is flourishing. This article brings to you the an analysis that refutes any allegations to the discriminative nature of State of Israel stemming from these characteristics. [Full article...]
By: Gadi Taub
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Untapped resources:  Israeli scientists wonder: Could seaweed power the world?

Israel's contribution to the search for fuel substitues reach a new peak as several of the nations's research labs look for a product that will be both environmentally safe and satisfy part of the world's energy needs. [Full article...]
By: Zafrir Rinat

Abducted Israeli Soldiers:  The Final Farewell

The farewell letter published by Mr. Zeev Bielski, the Chairman of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency as the two abducted Israeli soldiers are returned home. [Full article...]
By: Zeev Bielski

Israel:  The Persistence of Vision

"Any Jew who makes aliyah from the United States is certainly not doing so because of anti-Semitism. We come to be connected to this land. We come to be connected to this enterprise of building a Jewish country." [Full article...]
Jewish History

Is this a Legitimate Discussion?:  A Country in Question

Why after so many years since the establishment of the State of Israel, is this question even being brought up? Is is because it is related to the Jews, the Middle East, to the Europeans and the Holocaust, to world politics or to Israeli policies... The issue is more complex then ever. [Full article...]
By: Adi Schwartz
International Relations
Israel > Advocacy

Still looking for answers:  A Nation Like All Nations or The Chosen People

Between ideology and practice, the Zionism movement has strived for an exemplary state and society. Zeev Zahor brings us a short overview of the schools of thought on this issue and leaves us with a inspiration to take part in the shaping of Jewish history. [Full article...]
By: Zeev Zahor

:  Overheard at the GA, November 12, 2006

The following quotes were collected by DTWT participants at this year's GA. [Full article...]
By: Nathalie Alyon

Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Women
Media and the Press
Voices of the Young
Voices of the Young > Do The Write Thing

An additional viewpoint on Herzl's legacy:  Is Theodor Herzl Resting in Peace

Sometimes I feel that I am one of the last disciples of Binyamin Zeev Herzl, one of those disciples who has not yet given up on the Jewish State as a civilized, progressive, secular, tolerant state that respects all its citizens and their basic rights. [Full article...]
By: Yossi Sarid
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

The Imperative of Fashoning Israel as an Exemplary Society:  Positive Zionism

The moral code that we have been commanded to live by is not only a guide for individual behavior; far more profoundly, it is also the blueprint for building a society �in the place that I have prepared for you�. [Full article...]
By: David Breakstone
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Feature Organization:  Physicians for Human Rights-Israel

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel is a non-party-affiliated, non-profit foundation, whose goal is the advancement and defense of health-related human rights for all the residents of Israel and the occupied territories. This includes residents who are undocumented or who are not recognized by the state. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department

Israel > Politics
Peace Process
Peace Process > The Palestinians
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  Saving Children's Lives, Spreading Tolerance

A young American who served as volunteer in Israel, shares with us his memorable learning experience at the "Save a Child's Heart" organization, where a group of cardiologists, pediatric heart surgeons and nurses donate their time in order to save as many children's lives as possible. With the slogan of �a child is a child�, they operate on any child in need regardless of religion, race, sex, or background creating the wonderful side effect of spreading tolerance and acceptance of each other's cultures. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Advocacy
Jews Around the World
Social Action Organizations
Voices of the Young

Feature Organization:  Israeli Center for Social Justice

The uniqueness of the Israeli Center for Social Justice resides in promoting discussion among the government, the civil society and the business sector; in developing a multidisciplinary approach; and by promoting new venues to enhance the principles of social justice, equality of opportunity and social solidarity. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Politics
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  Gevanim Center for Community Diversity

Gevanim Center for Community Diversity (GCCD) is an Israeli registered non-profit association established in September 2001. GCCD's multidisciplinary staff develops culturally sensitive early childhood education and parents programs for communities in transition - Ethiopian, Bukharan, Caucasian, Arab and Bedouin. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  Kav La'Oved

Kav LaOved (worker's hotline) is a non-profit Israeli NGO, dedicated to the protection of worker rights. Kav LaOved helps the most vulnerable in Israeli society: 250,000 Migrant workers (10% of Israeli workforce), Palestinians working in Israel and Jewish settlements, ethnic minority citizens, and people employed via sub-contractors. These workers are subject to withheld payment, under payment, confinement, and criminal abuse. Most of them have no representation or access to institutional help. Due to their nationality, legal status, social-economic background, cultural-linguistic barriers, or gender, these workers are less likely to be familiar with their rights, and less capable to guarantee their implementation. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Israel > Israeli Arabs
Israel > Politics
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  �Larger Than Life�

Established in 1998, by parents of children with cancer, �Larger Than Life� is a humanitarian voluntary organization serving sick children all over Israel. The aim of the organization is to improve the quality of life of children with cancer, regardless of race, nationality or religious affiliation. The organization cares for children of all faiths: Jews, Christians, Druze and Muslims. Its activities take place in cooperation with all of the hospitals in Israel. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Social Action Organizations

Feature Organization:  ADVA Center

The Adva Center (�Adva� means ripple) is an Israeli non-partisan, independent action-oriented policy analysis center, founded in 1991 by activists from three social movements: the movement for equal rights for Arab citizens, the movement for equality for Mizrahi Jews, and the feminist movement. ACTION describes one- half of its program and POLICY ANALYSIS the other half. The mission of Adva is to promote equality for citizens of all ethnic and socio - economic minorities, including gender equality. [Full article...]
By:  Hagshama Department
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Israeli Arabs
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Jewish Women
Social Action Organizations

A discussion:  Israel: state and religion - Part II

Israel: state and religion A discussion One of the most poignant difficulties of our time is the struggle between brothers � between religious and secular Jews � in Israel today. The issue has several dimensions. There is first of all an acknowledgment that until very recently and basically extending into the present, a status quo has existed between the secular state and Judaism, which has protected Judaism, reciprocated by an halachic modus operandi with the state. The conflict arises through a departure from the spirit of the accommodation which existed hitherto into a new rhetoric of the �separation of religion and state�. Notions of �freedom of, or from, religion��, emerge to conflict with traditional concept of the spiritual integrity of the Jewish people through the public protection of its laws and practices. The reason why this conflict supervenes over the understanding and accommodation which has existed between the secular State and religion, derives, it is argued, from an estrangement, on both sides of the conflict, from fundamental Jewish values. The discussion was held between Mr Mark Moshinsky and Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen in a seminar of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Mark  Moshinsky
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Jewish Identity

A discussion:  Israel: state and religion - Part I

Israel: state and religion A discussion One of the most poignant difficulties of our time is the struggle between brothers � between religious and secular Jews � in Israel today. The issue has several dimensions. There is first of all an acknowledgment that until very recently and basically extending into the present, a status quo has existed between the secular state and Judaism, which has protected Judaism, reciprocated by an halachic modus operandi with the state. The conflict arises through a departure from the spirit of the accommodation which existed hitherto into a new rhetoric of the �separation of religion and state�. Notions of �freedom of, or from, religion��, emerge to conflict with traditional concept of the spiritual integrity of the Jewish people through the public protection of its laws and practices. The reason why this conflict supervenes over the understanding and accommodation which has existed between the secular State and religion, derives, it is argued, from an estrangement, on both sides of the conflict, from fundamental Jewish values. The discussion was held between Mr Mark Moshinsky and Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen in a seminar of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Mark  Moshinsky
Israel > Politics
Judaism > Jewish Identity

A comparison of international law and traditional Jewish approaches:  The Arab-Israeli Conflict - Part II

The following discussion presents a point of view of international law on the Arab-Israeli conflict, as documented by Mr Jonathan Wenig, with a response to its tenets from the standpoint of Jewish tradition by Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen. The point at issue is the secular notion that sovereign states make or voluntarily subscribe to laws and processes of adjudication versus the Torah view of universal norms of conduct. The second is between legal concepts of the Palestinians� claim to statehood and the Torah�s view of the intrinsic relationship of the Jewish people to the land. The third has to do with the mode of action in international conflict: mutual negotiation as the source of resolution and the halachic ruling as a guide to practical dealing. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Jonathan  Wenig
Israel > Politics
Peace Process

A comparison of international law and traditional Jewish approaches:  The Arab-Israeli Conflict - Part I

The following discussion presents a point of view of international law on the Arab-Israeli conflict, as documented by Mr Jonathan Wenig, with a response to its tenets from the standpoint of Jewish tradition by Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen. The point at issue is the secular notion that sovereign states make or voluntarily subscribe to laws and processes of adjudication versus the Torah view of universal norms of conduct. The second is between legal concepts of the Palestinians� claim to statehood and the Torah�s view of the intrinsic relationship of the Jewish people to the land. The third has to do with the mode of action in international conflict: mutual negotiation as the source of resolution and the halachic ruling as a guide to practical dealing. [Full article...]
By: Shimon  Cowen Jonathan  Wenig
Israel > Politics
Peace Process

Iranian judoka boycotts his Israeli counterpart:  Olympic Dreams and Nightmares

Iranian judoka Arash Mirashmaeli boycotts his Israeli counterpart, using the "death by chocolate" excuse, but Israel has the last laugh, winning a bronze medal, and later, taking gold in the mistral windsurfing competition. [Full article...]
By: Ted Lapkin
International Relations

New York, 23 September 2004:  Address to the United Nations 59th General Assembly by Silvan Shalom, deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs

The United Nations was established out of the devastation of World War Two in order to build a world of unity and of peace. Today, sixty years after this organization came into being, we must ask ourselves: What are we united for and what are we united against? Are we united for peace and security? Are we united for fairness and justice? Are we united against terror? Are we united against tyranny? Or are we, sadly, united only in cynical and immoral majority votes, that make a mockery of the noble ideals on which this body was founded. [Full article...]
By: Silvan Shalom
International Relations
Israel > Politics
Official Documents

The recurring issue:  On Hating the Jews

Is there a single explanation for the astonishing persistence of anti-Semitism? [Full article...]
By: Natan Sharansky
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

Israel's Role:  The Unity of the Jewish People

Is Israel a unifier or divider of the Jewish people? What currently threatens and preserves the unity of the Jewish people? Read on... [Full article...]
By: Eliezer Schweid
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora

Israeli Football:  The Three F's

My response to the question "What do you miss most about England?" always contains the three F�s � Family, Friends and Football [soccer]. My assumption is that most of you regard the first two as self-explanatory, and therefore I�m going to dwell on the latter. [Full article...]
By: Anton Marks
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel

Culture Clash or Cultural Compatibility:  Understanding Culture Part 1

After providing a basic definition of culture and its influences on us, this article outlines the basic Israeli cultural orientation with suggestions for how to orient oneself more successfully to the cultural reality in Israel. [Full article...]
By: Katrina Jacobs
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

Homosexuality, King David, and Israeli Pop:  A Dilemma Judaism Prefers to Ignore

Was King David gay? This article explores homosexuality in Judaism and modern-day Israel. [Full article...]
By: Sharonah Fredericko
Judaism > Jewish Identity

Sources, Symptoms, Solutions:  Culture Shock

The first in a series of three articles, this article looks at the experience of crossing cultures, particularly as it relates to aliyah. You will learn: what culture shock is, what causes it, and tips for how it can be managed. [Full article...]
By: Katrina Jacobs
Aliyah InfoBase
Aliyah InfoBase > Useful Tips for the Oleh and the Veteran

The Blessings- and Curse- of Power:  Life in Modern Israel

As Israel grows up, life seems to get increasingly complicated. This article explains.... [Full article...]
By: Gil Troy
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age

An Israeli Perspective:  Israel at 50

Klein Halevi explores the nature of the Israeli people and Israeli society fifty years on. [Full article...]
By: Yossi Klein Halevi
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Response to Rotbart and Schvindlerman:  Globalisation and Israeli Society

Our Zionism Vs Post-Zionism debate rumbles on, with an article by Nik John responding to Sergio Rotbart and Julian Schvindlerman. Which side of the debate are you on? [Full article...]
By: Nik John
Zionism > Post-Zionism

Sharonah's history classes:  Middle East-Nationalism with a Human Face: The Impossible Dream?

The constant waves of terrorism and reprisals which Israel is at present enduring, lead us to ponder the nature of nationalism itself. For Sharonah, nationalism has always been a perverse version of Midas and the golden touch- touching collective identity, it turns it to dust. We are not talking about getting rid of national identity. The question is how can we humanize it. [Full article...]
By: Marcelo Kisilevski Sharonah Fredericko
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Peace Process > Terrorism

Israeli Society in a State of Trance:  The 52nd Anniversary of the Creation of the State of Israel

Two clashing visions of society shape modern-day Israel: on the one hand, we have the post-modernist wave, imported from overseas; and on the other hand we have post-Zionism, which is causing the pillars of Israeli society to rot from within. [Full article...]
By: Julian Schvindlerman
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Response to 'Trance and Israeli Society' by Julian Schvindlerman.:  An indignant Zionist protests the globalization of Israeli culture

Things are heating up in Hagshama�s on-line e-magazine. In our previous edition we offered our readers two markedly different visions of post-Zionism and its effects on Israeli society at all levels. Our correspondent Julian Schvindlerman launched a diatribe at the trance craze raging in Israel�s discotheques, looking upon it as incontrovertible proof of the decadence of Zionist values and a direct result of galloping globalization and post-Zionist thought�.as well as a sad expression of the decline of moral value in Israel�s highly politicized culture. But for Rothbart, who prefers to answer Julian�s stance directly - globalization does indeed have its dark side - but for other reasons. [Full article...]
By: Sergio Rotbart
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

Social Problems in the Promised Land:  A Light to the Nations? Social Justice in Israel

This trenchant article explores the burning issues in the tense social fabric of Israeli society: officially sanctioned prostitution, the ever-increasing disparity between the rich and the poor, real wage inequality between men and women, and the badly-defined status of Israel�s indigenous minorities. Matt Plenn invites us to take a no-holds-barred look at contemporary society in Israel, exploring how these issues impact on the founding ideology of the Jewish state, and its promise of equality. [Full article...]
By: Matt Plen
Israel > Israeli Arabs
Zionism > Zionism Revisited

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