Resources and articles on Holocaust

Trial for the Nation's Youth: Trying Eichmann, not Jewish Disputes
The 1959-61 Ben-Gurion Government's archive opened to the public last year: "...Another subject that preoccupied the government was the trial of Adolf Eichmann, who was kidnapped to Israel from Argentina in May 1960. His trial began in April 1961, and he was hung in Ramle Prison on May 31, 1962, almost exactly two years after the kidnapping. We knew the Israeli government discussed the trial, but only now, when we can peruse the minutes, can we understand to what extent the government, a political body, was involved in an event that was basically a criminal trial." [Full article...]By: Yehiam Weitz
Israel > Israeli Society
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Judaism > Holidays with a Twist > Yom Hashoah
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Is Taking Responsibility outdated?: The Obligation to Cry Out
So many variables come into play in one statement of the German bishop visiting Yad Vashem- the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem: Who bears the responsibility for condemning such expressions? Jews, Israelis, Palestinians, Germans, the world?? [Full article...]By: Fania Oz-Saltzberger
Holocaust, Intifada and beyond: On Ignoring Anti-Semitism
Many and cunning are the ways to resist acknowledging the resurgent hatred, and what it may portend. [Full article...]By: Tamar R. Wisse
Peace Process > Terrorism
Peace Process > The Palestinians
The recurring issue: On Hating the Jews
Is there a single explanation for the astonishing persistence of anti-Semitism? [Full article...]By: Natan Sharansky
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judeophobia: Europe's Trademark
The claim that the alleged danger of Judeophobia is an excuse to �silence anti-Israel criticism,� signifies a total shut down of warning systems against this worrying phenomenon. [Full article...]By: Gustavo Perednik
International Relations
The Bergsonites' Mission: Rescuing Jews
On October 6, 1943, two days before Yom Kippur, 400 rabbis marched toward the White House calling attention to the plight of their European Jewish brethren, slaughtered systematically by the Nazis. [Full article...]By: Batsheva Pomerantz
International Relations
A Critical Event : Babi Yar
This article is in memory of the tragedy which occurred in Kiev on the 29th and 30th of September in 1941. During those days almost the entire remaining Jewish population in Kiev, which was not evacuated from the city, was destroyed by the Nazis and their collaborators. [Full article...]By: Andrei Shapiro
"Un Momentito, Senor": The 20 Seconds That Made History
Eichmann, a Nazi war criminal directly responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews, was captured in Argentina in 1960. This article details the daring operation. [Full article...]By: Julian Schvindlerman
On the "the" in "the Jews": : From Grammar to Anti-Semitism
The several tongue-twisting" the's" in my title are less difficult to manage than the problem they con�ceal. For there is a conceptual, cultural, and, final�ly, moral issue that bears directly on anti-Semitism in the common linking of the definite article "the" and Jews �that is, in "the Jews." [Full article...]By: Berel Lang
The Case of Sweden: 'Jewishness' in Postmodernity
This report provides a window into the changing face of European Jewry using Sweden as a case study. [Full article...]By: Lars Dencik
Jews Around the World
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust: Mordechai Anielewicz: 1919 � 1943
The 60th anniversary of the of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is a great opportunity to pay tribute to its courageous leader, Mordechai Anielewicz. [Full article...]By: Rochelle Mass
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Daily Resistance During the Holocaust: Keeping the Flame of Torah Alive
Pomerantz discusses Jewish resistance through spiritual strength and fortitude exhibited by Jews during the Holocaust. [Full article...]By: Batsheva Pomerantz
1921-1944: Hannah Senesh (Szenes)
Hannah Senesh, diarist, poet, playwright and parachutist in the Jewish resistance under the British Armed Forces during World War II was born and died in Budapest Hungary. [Full article...]By: Rochelle Mass
Artistic Expressions > Poetry
Cracow: A Picture on the Wall
As a continuation of his series on Jewish communities around the world, Stanley Mann introduces us to Cracow, Poland, which has a long and vibrant Jewish history. [Full article...]By: Stanley Mann
Jews Around the World
Going Against the Tide : Danish Educators in Israel
The threat of an Iraqi attack, the ongoing intifada and stormy weather could not stop a group of seventeen Danish educators from attending a seminar on the Holocaust organized by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem recently. [Full article...]By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Museums and Memorials
Impressions and Reflections from the January Seminars in Kiev and Moscow: Jewish Atlantis
The history and impact of the Holocaust in the Former Soviet Union has been largely ignored. Andrei Shapiro discusses the ramifications of this and an educational initiative working to create change. [Full article...]By: Andrei Shapiro
Jews Around the World
Israeli Connections: Hungarian Roots, Branches and Zionism
It has always been fascinating for me to see how so much of history is enveloped by events that take place as much on the world stage as by seemingly inconsequential personal anecdotes. I watched this theory play out this past Shabbat, when I was an observer to a family reunion whose roots reach far back into Hungary and whose ancestors were responsible for some of the very first rumblings of Zionism in Europe. [Full article...]By: Ilene Bloch-Levy
Jews Around the World
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
�There Is A Beautiful Country� : The Carriage Shown Like a Flame
This quote, taken from the Danish National Anthem, captures the essence of Denmark's relations with its Jews. In addition to providing history on the Jews of Denmark, this article outlines the extraordinary effort made by the Danes to save their Jewish citizens during the Holocaust. [Full article...]By: Stanley Mann
Jews Around the World
Remembering and Remembrance : The Future of the Holocaust
As Holocaust survivors are dying out, the question of how to understand and imagine an event which is beyond understanding and beyond imagining becomes a more relevant issue. Andrei Shapiro explains. [Full article...]By: Andrei Shapiro
Judaism > Jewish Identity
A Visit to Poland: A Voyage to Zionism
This trip during summer break was not meant for fun and relaxation. It was the massa l'Polin, Hebrew for "voyage to Poland", undertaken by thousands of Israeli students in their senior year. [Full article...]By: Batsheva Pomerantz
Museums and Memorials
The Jews of Warsaw: 'And Then?...After?' 'There is no Then! There is no After!'
Warsaw often brings up associations of death and destruction. However, Warsaw has a long and varried Jewish history and continues to house a Jewish community. In the following article, Stanley Mann explores all of these aspects of Warsaw with us. [Full article...]By: Stanley Mann
Jews Around the World
Museums and Memorials
Events and Activities Ideas: Kristallnacht- "Night of Broken Glass" - November 9, 1938
Kristallnacht - 'the night of broken glass" - represents a key event in the emergence of Nazi hate and the Holocaust. Kristallnacht was the "wake up" call to Eastern European Jewry.
[Full article...]By: 12th House
An Enjoyable Walk Through Amsterdam: The Distance Between Anne Frank and Rembrandt
Jewish Amsterdam is often associated with Anne Frank and as the site of the Secret Annex where her diary was written. However, Amsterdam has a long and varried Jewish history. In the following article, Stanley Mann explores this with us. [Full article...]By: Stanley Mann
Jews Around the World
Events and Activities Ideas: Yahrzeit of Mordechai Anielewicz - May 8, 1943
Despite the utter darkness of the Nazi Holocaust, occasionally there were glimpses of light, and moments for which the Jewish people can stand up and be proud. For the people of the Warsaw Ghetto, Mordechai Anielewicz was that ray of light. At the young age of 23, Mordechai rose to lead and inspire the largest resistance uprising against the Holocaust and the Nazis. [Full article...]By: 12th House
Events and Activities Ideas: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - April 19 1943
Throughout the ghettos of Nazi Europe, the Jews tried to organize resistance against the Germans. The arms for these resistance efforts came from weapons smuggled into the ghettos and homemade weapons. From 1941 to 1943, over 100 Jewish resistance groups fought back. The most famous of these resistance movements against the Nazis came from the young fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto. [Full article...]By: 12th House
Recovering Jewish property confiscated during the Holocaust: Summary of an Outrage
The Jewish victims of the Holocaust not only lost their lives, but also all their worldly goods, the fruit of their life’s work, their experiences and their dreams. The Nazis handled all the paperwork via the most sophisticated war machine imaginable, and the Swiss banks that received the profits continue to augment their earnings with these dormant bank accounts. The recovery of this Jewish patrimony, including property, money, gold, priceless works of art, etc, is seen as one of the final steps along the long and winding road to rectifying, however much that is possible, the horrors of the Second World War. It is an invaluable tool in terms of perpetuating the memory of the Holocaust. [Full article...]By: Ethel Katz de Barylka
Pope John Paul II in Israel: The Vatican and the Holocaust
On the occasion of His Holiness the Pope�s visit to Israel, it is worthwhile to reflect upon the overall state of relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the Jewish people. In recent times, the Church has requested a historical "pardon" from various communities, the Jews among them. Forgiveness is begged for sins committed by the "church faithful", but not by the Church itself. Regarding the particular role of the Vatican during the Holocaust, all references made to this point have been quite vague�while in other instances almost vindicating the actions of Pope Pius II. We are at the very beginning of the long road to reconciliation. [Full article...]By: Julian Schvindlerman
International Relations
Poland and Israel one half century after the Holocaust: Poland - An educational and inspirational experience?
Many people have criticized the constant flux of Zionist oriented students between Poland and Israel as a failed attempt to instill Jewish identity in today�s disaffected youth via the "scare tactics" of the Holocaust. This article presents an objective educational vision of the entire process as an important component in the creation of an activist oriented, pro-Zionist outlook. [Full article...]By: Daniel Rose
Judaism > Jewish Identity
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