Resources and articles on Media and the Press

Beyond the Media: Looking at Israel Through a Different Lens
Most people who only get their views and ideas about Israel from what they see and read in the news, are seeing Israel with tunnel vision glasses. This article offers alternatives. [Full article...]By: David Brinn
Israel > Advocacy
Media and the Press
Reflections in the media: Is Israel Still Relevant?
David Brinn, Editorial Director of ISRAEL21c will be highlighting opportunities to convey the wonders of �the other Israel,� the one that exists beyond the conflict. [Full article...]By: David Brinn
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel > Advocacy
Media and the Press
Acceptance at any price?: Europe's "Good Jews"
On the continent, the morally correct way to show concern for the Jewish state is to defame it. [Full article...]By: Emanuele Ottolenghi
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Media and the Press
Peace Process
Zionism > Post-Zionism
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
: Overheard at the GA, November 12, 2006
The following quotes were collected by DTWT participants at this year's GA. [Full article...]By: Nathalie Alyon
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Judaism > Jewish Women
Media and the Press
Voices of the Young
Voices of the Young > Do The Write Thing
Our Challenge: The Zionist Mission
This is the speech of Haim Hayet, Head of the World Zionist Organization Department for Hagshama, during his appearance at the Young Zionist Leadership Conference of January 2005, held in Miami, Florida. [Full article...]By: Haim Hayet
Aliyah InfoBase > Tachlis - Aliyah Advice from and for Olim
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Teaching Israel
Jewish History > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
Jewish History > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Judaism > Jewish Identity
Media and the Press
People > 1860-1948: Early Zionist Age
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
Zionism > Who is a Zionist?
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Zionism > Zionism Revisited
Sarbanut in a Jewish-Democratic State : Refusal to Serve
On January 3, 2005, a reserve unit of the Israel Defence Force was called in to evacuate two illegally installed caravans at the outpost of Givat Shalhevet in Samaria. The soldiers and police officers were met by hundreds of settlers who, throwing up a roadblock, attempted to prevent the unit from entering the outpost. Rocks were thrown, abuse was hurled, settlers branded the soldiers �Nazis.� A soldier was forced to fire in the air after a group of settlers attempted to snatch his weapon. In the aftermath of the clash, residents of nearby Yitzhar demanded that the IDF remove an army outpost which houses soldiers protecting the settlement. The army acceded to the demand. [Full article...]By: Matt Plen
Israel > Politics
Media and the Press
Peace Process > Terrorism
Peace Process > The Palestinians
People > 1948-Today: Modern Zionist Age
There�s no question of the pivotal role played by the media in the current Middle East conflict. The images flashed around the world have crystallized international opinion and perceptions of both Palestinian and Israeli behavior. What is in doubt, however, is how the journalists who shape that opinion go about their business in this volatile and often dangerous climate. [Full article...]By: Judy Lash Balint
International Relations
Israel > Advocacy
Israel > Jerusalem
Israel > Politics
Media and the Press
Peace Process
Israel Advocacy and Zionist Education: Reframing Zionism on Campus
In the fight for Israel on campus, Yanai recommends a broader Israel education focus over a single-minded effort to defend Israel in the political arena. [Full article...]By: Shachar Yanai
Israel > Advocacy
Israel Programs
Media and the Press
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Amid Chaos, Life Goes On: Israel from the Inside
The writers of this article attended the 'Do the Write Thing' conference in Jerusalem in November. Here, they share their impressions on the conflicted region. [Full article...]By: Laura Mehl Jennifer Bauser
Aliyah InfoBase > Life in Israel
Israel Programs
Media and the Press
Peace Process > Terrorism
Journalism as Literature: Journalism and Cultural Stereotypes
Sharonah's latest offering explores the world of journalism, anthropology and of course, Israel. Amongst other things, she argues that journalism can reflect the culture in which it operates, just as well as a good book. [Full article...]By: Sharonah Fredericko
Artistic Expressions > Literature
Israel > Advocacy
Media and the Press
Supporting Israel: How to Criticize and Not De-Legitimize
This article gives so guidelines for Israel supporters outside of Israel who want to advocate for Israel in public. [Full article...]By: Gil Troy
Israel > Advocacy
Media and the Press
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
The Road Map Through Arab Eyes: A Comparative Look at Arab Journalism
Barak Barfi discusses how the leading Arab newspapers view international events. [Full article...]By: Barak Barfi
Media and the Press
Peace Process
Advocacy: How to Talk About Israel Without Apologizing, Cringing, Crying or Yelling
The currently tense situation in the Middle East often leaves Jews around the world feeling defensive and speechless. This article gives some practical guidelines on how to advocate for Israel. [Full article...]By: Gil Troy
Israel > Advocacy
Media and the Press
A Delicate Balance: Criticizing Israel in a Youth Movement Setting
Anton Marks explores the complicated issue of what it means to be a Zionist and a supporter of Israel, particularly within a youth movement setting, when one does not always agree with its policies. [Full article...]By: Anton Marks
Media and the Press
Youth and Hagshama Movements / Organizations
An Israeli in Madison: Between Radicalism and Complexity
Facundo Lerer, an Israeli student living in Madison Wisconsin, shares his struggles and conclusions regarding conflicting political views on campus. [Full article...]By: Ron Facundo Lerer
Media and the Press
Zionism > Zionism and the Diaspora
Events and Activities Ideas: Palestine Post Founded (Jerusalem Post Founded) - December 1, 1932
Founded by American journalist-turned-newspaper-editor, Gershon Agron, the Palestine Post released its first issue on December 1, 1932. In 1950, the Palestine Post changed its name to the Jerusalem Post. Within a short period of time, this English language newspaper would become one of the world’s most influential news publications. [Full article...]By: 12th House
Media and the Press
Events and Activities Ideas: Kol Israel Founded - March 20, 1936
Before the days of television, cable and the Internet, there was radio. During the years of the British Mandate and the early years after independence, radio would play a major role in communications throughout the land. [Full article...]By: 12th House
Media and the Press
Events and Activities Ideas: Jewish Telegraphic Agency Founded - February 6 1917
At the end of World War One, a young 25-year-old journalist, Jacob Landau, had a revelation. He realized that what happens in a country also impacts more than just the citizens of that nation - that a country’s destiny was closely related to the destiny of its neighboring countries. [Full article...]By: 12th House
Media and the Press
Culture and Politics in Israel: An Alternative Vision of Reality: A Rightwinger on Left-Wing Israel Radio
Any attempt to create dialogue between the secular wing of Jewry and its more Orthodox counterpart pales in comparison to the popular Israeli Army radio station's "The Last Word". On that show, a secular left-wing Israeli daily confronts a right-wing religious Jew, usually on issues related to current events. Secular spokespersons are a flourishing breed; the right-wing participant is, on the radio show, always the same. That makes him quite a rare bird in the left wing world of Israeli media. [Full article...]By: Ariel Bercovich
Judaism > Israeli Judaism
Media and the Press
The El Aqsa Intifadah: The Use Of 'Excessive Force' By The Israeli Army
The term "excessive force", when applied to the Israeli army, should be applied on the basis of balanced standards of international criterion. There is no need to summarily view our Arab neighbors, who do not hesitate to erase the remains of thousands of their own citizens when the latter are deemed as a threat to the regime. And even in comparison to the more "progressive" First World nations, Israel adheres to a strikingly moderate military policy. All this and more-although none of it seems to affect CNN's Middle East ratings. [Full article...]By: Julian Schvindlerman
Israel > Advocacy
Media and the Press
Peace Process
A Media War: Please Don't Blame the Guilty
If you don't read the news you'll be uninformed, and if you read the news you'll be badly informed��.Mark Twain In this article the author takes a critical look at the media and its coverage of the violent outbreaks in the territories. As the Anti-Defamation League of the Bnai Brith insisted, we are not asking the media to always defend Israel's position-we are asking it to be objective. But the field of international communications only communicates the Palestinian view. [Full article...]By: Ezequiel Finkelberg
Israel > Advocacy
Media and the Press
Guide to campaigning and combating anti-Israel propaganda on campus: 8 Quick Answers to Outrageous Claims in Palestinian Propaganda
This year's Rosh Hashanah marked a turning point in Israeli Palestinian relations. The peace process collapsed and a new Intifada, or uprising began. As the violence in the territories continues and the casualty toll rises, the need to explain (hasbara) Israel's position has increased. In the media Israel is portrayed as an aggressor bombing protestors, killing children and an occupying force. More directly University campuses have been, sadly turned into battles for public opinion. Personally, as a person who has run workshops with Palestinians in The West Bank and Gaza, the saddest element of recent weeks has been that Palestinians have reverted to propaganda not dialogue. More damaging still the propaganda has been used by Palestinians to persuade the uninformed student. Israel's real battle is in the field of public opinion. The purpose of this article is to prevent quick answers to outrageous claims of Palestinian propaganda. It is not meant to be exhaustive but rather a quick reference before a debate or an interview. We at Hagshama hope that the soon the days of constructive dialogue will return. As Rabin once said: The best war is the one avoided. [Full article...]By: Neil Lazarus
Israel > Advocacy
Media and the Press
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